Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love Going Postal

We’ve all heard the phrase going postal. Maybe, you’ve even gone postal a time or two – screaming at your spouse, kids, dogs, etc. Going postal took on a new meaning for me the other day while standing in line to buy stamps. Since two people were in line ahead of me, I patiently waited my turn. Due to the fact the postal payment system is complicated or the postal worker was stupid, I stood in line for a while - a long while. Glancing from bulletin board to bulletin board, I noticed several interesting posters and notices.

The top ten most wanted poster caught my eye – no I’m not on it! While looking at the missing persons posters, I thought of a few people I’d like to see on one of them – Britney Spears, Keanu Reeves, the entire LSU football team and the Clinton’s.

One poster really captured my attention. It was the cartoon image of things you cannot mail. At the top, the headline read: Some Things Aren’t Meant to be Mailed. The cartoon included the usual suspects: paint, poison, flammable liquids, hazardous materials, gasoline and rockets. Yes, you heard right! ROCKETS! I’m sure you’ve been turned away from your postal counter trying to mail gasoline or poison but have you ever tried mailing a rocket? It seems to me some things are obvious. According to NASA, the Saturn and Ares rockets are over 300 feet tall. Wow! Can you see that strapped to the top of a mail carrier truck?

Usually warning signs, product instructions and Do Not posters are in place because sometime in the not so distant past, some fool tried what you’re being warned against. This means someone actually tried mailing a rocket! Must have been an Ohio State grad or an Aggie! Here’s the scene: A NASA engineer at Cape Canaveral needed to get a rocket to the Space Center in Houston. Can you imagine the conversation? I’m sure it ended with, “Can’t we just mail it to Houston?” I bet even a government employee can get fired for being that stupid!

Next to the post office is a helicopter plant. Leaving, I noticed a large 18-wheel, flatbed truck turning into the plant. You guessed it; he was hauling what looked like part of a rocket. OK, it was a helicopter. Even though it’s not on the list, I bet you can’t mail them either.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jesus, T-Mobile, AT&T and Budweiser

What’s the one thing we can’t leave home without? If we leave it at home or work, we run back quickly to grab it. We even breathe a sigh of relief when reunited after the briefest moments. You guessed right, I’m talking about our cell phones. Remember how lost you felt the last time you misplaced it or the last time you didn’t have it? We tell ourselves it’s just in case of emergency. The truth is we’re addicted to our phones. We’re lost without them and we feel better knowing they’re in our pockets or purses. We update facebook, twitter and our blogs with them.

What would the world be like if our Bibles were as important as our phones? Can you imagine feeling anxious because you went to work without your Bible? How cool would it be if we felt the same relief knowing our Bible was with us – you know, just in case of emergency!

Leaving home without our Bible is a common everyday practice. Most of us may not even think twice about running back inside to grab it. Have you ever frantically asked yourself “Where’s my Bible? Where’s my Bible?” I know you’ve asked yourself that about your phone.

I wonder what the world would be like if our Bibles were as important as our phones. What if we carried it in our pockets or purses? What if we checked it several times daily for new messages? I bet it would help our batteries never run low!

What if, what if, what if…… Don't leave home unarmed - it's just your sword!

Oh, putting Budweiser in the title was just to get you interested.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dunder and Blixem

It's been a while since I've posted. Last night there was a massive lightning storm over the DFW area. My hotel room flashed bright lights for a couple hours with deep thunder rolling in the background. I didn't enjoy the strobe effect. Since it was too noisy and bright to sleep, I watched from the balcony. Every second or two the sky lit up in spectacular fashion. I started wondering about the purpose of lightning. I didn't come up with an answer but I have discovered a few lightning facts:

1. Lightning is mentioned 46 times in the Bible. Thunder is mentioned 30. (

2. In ancient cultures, lightning represented power and was sometimes used by Greek and Roman gods to punish mankind.

3. The Navajo tribes linked lightning to the thunderbird which is their symbol for salvation and divine gifts.

4. Each year the National Weather Service hosts the Lightning Safety Awareness Week.

5. The original version of St. Nicholas' story referenced two reindeer - Dunder and Blixem. These later became Donner and Blitzen. Originally these were the Dutch words for Thunder and Lightning.

6. There is an annual conference for survivors of lightning strikes.

7. Lightning strikes the earth 100 times per second. That's about 8.6 million times a day.

8. Lightning strikes Central Africa more than any other place.

9. There are 21 million ground strikes per year in the United States.

10. Tampa, FL receives more lightning strikes than any other city in the United States. Maybe they should change the name from the Buccaneers to the Dodgers?

11. The average lightning strike carries 10-12,000 amps of electricity.

12. Sleep experts say when someone dreams about lightning it usually represents a sudden or shocking event has taken place in their lives.

Armed with this knowledge you too will be able to hold an intelligent conversation with someone about the amazing atmospheric phenomenon called lightning.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Looking for Some Dark

Here’s another childhood fear: The Dark. How many of you were afraid of the dark? I was. Sometimes I still am. Do you know what evil lurks behind the closet door once the lights are out? I remember when my youngest daughter, Ashlyn, was about three. She used to love playing with flashlights. Running all over the house, she shined her flashlight all the time. She liked them so much people gave them to her as Christmas presents. One night as she tiptoed down the hall shining her flashlight, I crawled up behind her whispering, “What are you doing?” In her three year old voice she whispered, “Looking for some dark.”

Looking for some dark! What a powerful statement. Are you looking for some dark? Matthew 5:16Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. The Newsboys wrote a song about this called Shine. Shine, make them wonder what you’ve got; make them wish they were not on the outside looking bored. Light exposes darkness. How long has it been since you’ve intentionally looked for darkness?

Our world is dark, and lost without Christ. We are the light of the world! Make a commitment today to seek something dark and expose it; not in a judgmental, harsh way but with the love of Christ. Shine your light as you look for some dark.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Childhood Fears: Monsters

Do you remember your childhood fear? Some may have had more than others and some may have been more intense. All childhood fears feel real no matter how fantastical they appear. You may have feared monsters, the dark, spiders, snakes, strangers, or getting lost. Do you remember how scared you were? How real the fear felt? No matter how improbable, the feeling of fear was real. As we grow older and mature our fears change. As an adult you may fear losing your job, failure, your spouse or maybe even God!

With Halloween approaching it seems like a good time to explore some of our childhood fears from a different point of view. We’ll start with one of the most common – Fear of Monsters. Do you remember the bogey man or in my case Gill Man? Gill man was a creature my uncle made up to scare us. Gill Man lived in the Gulf of Mexico. He walked on two legs and ate little children. Later, I found out Gill Man was loosely based on the Creature form the Black Lagoon.

Children and adults are afraid of monsters. That’s why we created superheroes. They protect us from monsters. Don’t tell a child either aren’t real! Our minds believe in both. Real fear comes from our enemy, Satan, who spends his time creating monsters. Superheroes usually win by turning the situation around. What’s the opposite of fear? Whether you’re afraid of the monster under your bed or in your closet, remember God is not the author of fear. Monsters are real and we face them daily. Perfect love casts out all fear. Revelation 12 - …And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Can't Dance

Eating lunch today at Five Guys with Shirley, Delaney and Ashlyn. Somehow we started talking about ballet. I was reminded of my ballet career. Shocking I know but I did have a brief ballet career. I was cast in Mobile Ballet's performance of Sleeping Beauty and another company's performance of the Nutcrakcer paying in South Mississippi. No sure why I thought it was important to let you know I was in two ballet's; I guess you needed to picture me in tights.

Five Guys has the best burgers. Well, maybe not the best but they're pretty good. I enjoyed Sleeping Beauty more than the Nutcracker. I'm glad my dance career was short lived. Five Guys has good fries, also. I can't believe Florida won today because of two bad penalties called against Arkansas on the game-tying drive. Auburn lost to Kentucky and the Tide ran over the Gamecocks. Purdue upset Ohio State! What a day. No ballet dancing just football. Maybe I can tryout again. It's almost time for the Nutcracker!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Wanna Be An Airborne Ranger - for Jan

Seeing a commercial for Airborne last night reminded me of a story. Weird how everything reminds me of a story? Airborne is the tablet you mix with water to take so you don’t get sick. A good friend had a unique experience with Airborne. OK, all you therapists, psychologists and counselors, I know when someone says something about a friend it usually means they’re talking about themselves. Not this time! I can’t reveal my friend’s name due to a confidentiality agreement I signed but I guess I could mention his initials – JH.

It seems that JH was not feeling well. Being the YOUNG, able-bodied man he is, his wife, Jan Hetherly, had to take care of him. While packing for a business trip, Jan gave JH a pack of Airborne. He thanked her and slipped it in his pocket. Later, sitting at the gate waiting for his plane, JH decided to take his first Airborne tablet. Have you ever seen a sea gull eat an alka-seltzer? I don’t know why that popped in my head. It has nothing to do with the story!

JH popped the quarter-size tablet in his mouth thinking he was supposed to chew it. Yes, this is the part where you start laughing. Within seconds the tablet reacted with his saliva thus causing JH to begin foaming at the mouth. I bet he looked like he had shaving cream all over his mouth! What a sight that must have been – a well-dressed, sharp YOUNG man in an airport foaming about the head and face. Talk about a security nightmare.

These are the day’s airport security personnel live for. Can you imagine them telling their spouses about the crazy guy who foamed at the mouth at work today? Needless to say, JH doesn’t take Airborne any more and Jan is perfectly content because she doesn’t have to clean goop out of his shirts any more.

Does anyone know if John Hetherly is still working in Cali?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gun Shot Wounds, Car Accidents and Zombieland

Trauma Center now open. Gun shot wounds, heart attacks, car accidents, swine flue, etc. - All of these can be found at your local trauma center. Hopefully, this can be said of your local church. Traveling extensively has given me a unique perspective. I have met people from all over the world. Each state, city and neighborhood come together providing culture and flavor. Visiting Los Angeles and driving through Compton, strolling into a deli close to Central Park in New York, catching a Cubs game in Chicago or watching a rodeo in Mesquite, TX. That’s Mesquite not Mosquito.

In all these places, I’ve noticed one thing exactly the same. They all have those blue road signs with a capital H. You know the one’s I’m talking about. The sign for a Hospital. Every city has at least one. Those blue H signs are everywhere. The signs serve as signals letting you know help isn't far away. What an amazing analogy for the Church!

Think about it. Is there a better trauma center than the Church? Of course not, Jesus established His Church to be a trauma center. A place for people to come for healing. We know the Church is made of local congregations serving God faithfully. Is your local church a trauma center for your city?

In the book of John chapter 11 the resurrection of Lazarus is recorded. After Jesus called Laz from the grave, he told the people standing around to loose him by taking his grave clothes off. Laz was bound, gagged and probably hopping around like an idiot trying to walk wrapped like a mummy. That had to be a funny sight! I bet he even fell down a time or two. Do you think Jesus could have called Laz from the grave without leaving the mummy wraps tied around his cold, dead body? Of course. Jesus was giving us a picture of the Church.

When someone comes from death to life, it is the responsibility of Christians to help them take off their grave clothes. People come to the Church with problems, insecurities, sins and all kinds of trauma. We are responsible for their growth. We loose the grave clothes! Sinful people are bloody, bruised, dirty, smelly, and bound. You know, kinda like they’ve been dead!

Be mindful this week that God may bring one of the walking wounded or the dead your direction. I know Zombieland is huge right now but don’t take the opportunity to blast them. Take the opportunity to be the doctor God gifted you to be and take them to your trauma center. After all, He is the great physician!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bully Beatdown

The weekend is over so it's time to post something new. I was watching old UFC fights earlier wishing I was young enough to get into that sport. How cool would it be to put someone to sleep with a rear naked choke or drop elbows after passing full guard? Watching the fight got me thinking about a few fights I was in as a kid. One in third grade when I jumped from a three foot wall on top of a guy knocking him down. It was on then. He started it! The safety patrols broke us apart. I still remember the hallway filled with other kids cheering as we were drug to the office. We were like heroes. I remember someone saying I looked like Starsky or Hutch jumping from the wall. An old reference I know but remember it was in the 70's.

One of my best fights came in fifth grade. It was my first year at a new school. There was this big kid who picked on me everyday. He was a jerk; calling me names, pushing me around, knocking books out of my hands. I avoided him as much as possible; hiding in the locker room or eating lunch by my self. I remember avoiding everyone during recess. Did I mention he was big?

One day, he picked and picked. I was tired, embarrassed and humiliated. Walking through the hall, leaving my locker he knocked my books out of my hand. Kneeling down, I picked them up as everyone laughed. Even then I was a little sarcastic - shocking to think about I know - but true. Kneeling, I made a decision. It was now or never! Still on my knees, I shouted out loud "Let's get ready to rummmmmbbbbbbbllllllleeeeeeee" and came up swinging! I'd like to say it was classic form, UFC style, kicks, punches, elbows. It wasn't like that. I connected several times but only in an odd spastic way. Form didn't matter, I beat the crap out of that kid! Guess what? I enjoyed beating him up! I'm not sure what came over me but I'm glad I did it. Sorry, no spiritual meaning or metaphors. I'm glad he got the beatdown he deserved!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Upside Down Town

Acts 17:6 (b)These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.

Wow! What a powerful testimony to Paul and Silas. They turned their world upside down. Can that be said of us? Read chapter 16 and 17 to get the entire scene and you’ll discover the ministry of Paul and Silas was exploding. Their reputation preceded them. In Thessalonica, the complaint was they turned the world upside down. Think about that for a moment. Their testimony was so strong; their influence so great, the world was upside down.

I would like to live in an upsidedown town. Wouldn't you? Upsidedown town – sounds like a good song title. Maybe our musician friends can collaborate on that one? Living in an Upsidedown Town! What a testimony that would be! Can you imagine turning the world upside down for the cause of Christ? Amazing!

Imagine Satan saying, “Those who are turning the world upside down have come here too.” Here we come town by town, turning them all upside down! That sounds like something from Dr. Seuss.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Blank Page

I haven't posted anything in a couple days because I've started writing a new story. It may become another novel but right now it's only 12,000 words and has occupied my time. The best thing about starting a new story is the blank page or the next page. My favorite part of writing something new is looking at a ream of paper knowing the blank pages will soon come to life. For me, the blank page begs for total creativity - no boundaries - anything can happen.

I think life is like that. It unfolds before us as one blank page after another calling us to write our story. We all have a story to tell. While writing yours, remember to keep focused on what's eternally important. Jesus gave us an incredible gift in His Word, the most creatively written masterpiece of all time. Compiled over 1,000 years with I have forgotten how many different writers. I guess I could look that up but I bet you already have the point. He filled blank page after blank page with His Word! Isn't that incredible? His story is one written with extravagant love.

Tell someone your story - a story of love, forgiveness and acceptance from the ultimate writer.

II John 12 ... until then, I will write.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Amateur Poetry

I'm posting a few poems I've written the past couple months. I hope you enjoy the ramblings of an obviously amateur poet.

Draw Near

I sit alone and wish you were here.
My heart tells me it is now clear,
That I alone must face my fear.
I shed a tear, because I long for you to draw near.

You’ve been there for me through all I have faced.
Now, I want you to have a taste
Of what life is like when you are embraced.

You have captured my soul and taught me to play,
You have even taken my breath away.
I long for the day when you kiss my hand,
And live beside me as we take a stand.

The following poem was written on Inauguration Day. I hope my democratic friends take this in just as it is not intended to offend.

The New Zoo

I’d like this poem to make you laugh,
So you should think of a giraffe,
As our new president’s chief of staff.

Yes, indeed we will be led by a zoo,
With leaders who like to chew and moo.
You know I’m right, they don’t have a clue
Because all of them are full of doo-doo.


Anxious tonight
‘Cause tomorrow will be bright.
Free from the night
That had blinded my sight.
What I see now is love from above.
From my eyes to my heart,
You have loved me from the start.


I don’t know how to play the game.
But I do know how to fan the flame,
Of a love that’s grown so deep.
Are you ready to take the leap?
If we jump together,
We will float like a feather.
Until we safely land
In each other’s hand.

Your Breath

Vampires and mummies scare me to death
But nothing compares to your breath.
The smell is rank,
Like an old, dirty fish tank.
Blankty, Blank, your breath stank!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kiss em on the Forehead and Tell em you Love em

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. Love never fails. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

I Corinthians 13:4-8, 13

We have read these verses many times; heard them recited at weddings and listened to countless sermons surrounding them. Have we every really understood God’s love? We display the opposite of love each day. Have you ever been impatient, unkind, envious, boastful, selfish, rude, or proud? Of course, these actions are sinful and we are sinful, fallen creations. It is only by God’s love we are able to experience real, true, unconditional love.

It’s like this, there’s a secret needing to be shared. The secret is this: We can be kind, thoughtful, selfless, etc. but that’s not enough. Unconditional love only comes from above. You cannot create unconditional love – How many times have you failed when trying to love others in your own strength? It cannot be done! Because the heart is deceitful, it leads us away from Christ. Unconditional love comes from Him and we display His love to others as He gives it to us.

Love never fails because God never fails.

In the busyness of your day, remember to love others as Christ has first loved you!

Also remember to brush your teeth twice, hold hands when crossing the street and kiss someone on the forehead and tell them you love them.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Wish I had the Dog's Hair

I'm sooooooo glad Dog, the Bounty Hunter lives in Hawaii. Could you imagine what kind of rep the sawth would have if he lived in TN, MS or AL? Although, I have to admit I occasionally watch his show. As far as redneck television goes, it's quite entertaining. I especially appreciate when he uses words like $^&!@ and ?(*&#!), followed by praise the name of Jesus! I wish I had his hair! Maybe I'll dress up like him for Halloween.

Thinking about Dog reminds me of last week when I went to the License Office to register my new truck. Yes, for those of you who may not know, I traded my Lexus SC430 convertible sports coupe for a truck! Don't worry, I'm not bitter! Anyway, back to the story. WOW! I haven't seen that many toothless wonders in one place since the last Blessing of the Fleet I attended in Bayou la Batre. Have you ever taken your number, sat down and just watched people coming and going from that building? Now that's redneck entertainment! I was amazed to see how many people couldn't read and follow instructions. Take a number and wait for it to be called! how difficult is that?

I heard number 198 called and watched two men walk to the available window at the same time. How can there be two 198's I thought? You know exactly where this is going. Neither had 198. I wonder what was going on in their brains. They both yelled at the lady behind the window when she explained she called 198 and neither had that number.

Do you think Jesus and His disciples had mulletts like Dog? Now that would make for a good da Vinci painting of the Last Supper. Come to think of it, I had a mullett for a while. But that was a long time ago.

Here's a thought to chew on as you're thinking about how I looked with a mullett. Peace is one of the names of God – Jehovah-Shalom. The Lord Our Peace is first mentioned in Judges 6:23-24. Shalom translates to peace and means whole, finished, fulfilled, and perfected. Shalom refers to the kind of peace resulting from being a whole person in right relationship with God. Peace comes from knowing God has made us whole and fulfilled!

You may believe the sun has set, its dark and your situation seems hopeless. There is hope and good news. A deep sense of humbleness has overtaken you; and finally you are looking and longing for God’s peace. The God who hung the moon and scattered the stars cares about you. He created you to love Him. Judges 6:23 reads: And the Lord said to him, “Peace to you, do not fear; you shall not die.” What an incredible statement!

Have you wondered why your situation seems hopeless or why bad things seem to keep happening? Gideon wondered and questioned God. Before God revealed Himself to Gideon as Jehovah-Shalom, Gideon questioned God’s presence. In Judges Chapter 6 verse 13, Gideon said, “If the Lord is with us, why have all these things happened? And where are His miracles?” Sound familiar? Have you asked that same question? Why has this happened? Where are you, God?

Does God really care when we are distressed or in danger? He cared enough to sacrifice His son Jesus to save us from our sin. He cares enough to lift you out of your circumstances. Psalm 40:1-3 – “I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”

The Lord is Peace - wait for His timing!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

He, She, It and They ......

Have you ever wondered why we let pronouns control much of our lives? Think about it for a minute. Sometimes we allow pronouns to dictate our actions; especially when it comes to our faith in Christ. Take the pronoun they, for example. How many times have we listened to they when it comes to sharing our faith? Or how many times do we worry about what they will think. They seem to take a lot of credit for our mistakes. I wonder what would happen if we never said, “well, that’s what they said” or “they told me it was ok”.

Here’s another great pronoun: he/she. Have you heard someone say something like this? “He/she did that, not me!” It’s easy to blame others and point fingers, isn’t it? Maybe we should use me a little more often.

There are a couple good pronouns: it and us. It refers to the Church and it is made up of us.

The Freezer Deserves a Light

Here are a few random thoughts about random things that occasionally pop into my head.

1. Bad decisions make good stories.

2. Nothing is worse than the moment during an argument when you realize you're totally wrong.

3. I wish I could take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was a kid.

4. Was learning cursive really necessary?

5. Obituaries would be a lot more exciting if they told you how the person died.

6. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

7. What can come after Blue Ray?

8. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my 150 page book that I swear I did not make any changes to.

9. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring and when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?

10. I hate leaving my house looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste of cool clothes and a good hair day!

11. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call (Abel Cerda and Doug Donaldson).

12. I think the freezer deserves a light as well, don't you?

13. I hate it when you buy a new shirt and discover halfway through the day you forgot to pull off the sticker that has the size. Why don't the idiots we work with tell us these things?