Monday, November 28, 2011

Pay College Athletes ... Not As Students But As Professionals

I'm sick of college sports .... specifically football and basketball ... the only profit centers for universities. Years ago, there was a group of people called student athletes. Today, that group has been replaced with minor league athletes who are exploited, used as institutional slaves and thrown away after winning championships. The problem is greed! Haven't you heard that before? The love of money is the root of all evil. Making money isn't a problem, exploiting others because of the love of money is.

Universities use students in order to make money for the trustees and administrators. The athletes who earn the money never see it. Then they get in trouble because someone pays them under the table. Most of the time, they need the money to live on while in school.

The answer is simple ..... pay the players .... not as university students but as minor league athletes.

The profitable sports should be taken away from the universities and the NFL and NBA should develop farm/minor league systems like baseball. Players could opt to attend college or play in the developmental leagues and earn a living.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Risk Rules .....

I’m not a trained economist or financial guru but I know our current American governments view of economics is fundamentally flawed. Since Ronald Reagan left office our philosophy has shifted from economic freedom to economic slavery.

It appears to me that career politicians saw their future at risk. With economic freedom in the hands of the average citizen, their political and financial future was at risk. How have the Washitonians reacted to this fear? They have slowly stolen our freedom and put it back in the hands of the government.

Make no mistake; this is not a liberal, democrat take-over. It has come from the conservatives as well. Both President Bush’s adopted this philosophy by using flawed economic principles to stimulate our economy. The only real way to stimulate our economy is to create an atmosphere of economic freedom where individuals seize the opportunity to assume risk at the hope of earning income.

Risk is the solid foundation of economic growth. Without risk, no one makes a move. People don’t take new jobs, move across the country, have a baby, but a house or start a business without assuming some form of risk. Risk moves our economy. When the government becomes involved with our ability and desire to assume risk, they choke our economic freedom and stall economic growth.

The government’s role should be that of a coach – give us an atmosphere that allows us to pursue our hopes, dreams and goals by allowing us to make the plays.

The Keynesian economic principles that both major political parties have subscribed to does not work. It is a myth to think that taxing during prosperous times and borrowing during recessions helps our economy. True economic growth and freedom come from individuals pursuing their dreams and goals without government intrusion by assuming the risk involved with the pursuit.