Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Since I haven’t blogged in a while, I thought I would write about something less controversial than my usual posts – GAMBLING. That’s right, sports fans; today’s topic is electronic bingo. I used to love that song when I was a kid. If electronic bingo is illegal in Alabama, how come the kind people play on paper isn’t? I don’t understand the difference. Maybe it’s the bells, whistles and sounds of a casino that make people nervous? How come the government allows gambling on Native American reservations? Do they allow other illegal activities like cocaine, spousal abuse, rape, murder, etc?

In light of recent political activity in Alabama regarding electronic bingo, I have decided to take a stand. No more sitting on the sidelines watching other cities adopt ordinances without my input. Therefore, my city council has voted to allow electronic bingo machines to be placed within our city limits. Prichard, Chickasaw and many other cities across Alabama have taken similar positions by allowing their city councils to vote. So, with the full approval of my city council, we have decided to allow electronic bingo machines. Apparently, cities do not have to abide by state law, who knew? The bingo machines will be strategically placed next to the trash cans we installed last year.

Furthermore, we are also abolishing speed limits, the need for driver’s licenses, the legal drinking age and Troy University. Troy was a city in the ancient world overseas and we do not support foreign influence in our state.

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