A King, A Bride and A Kingdom ….. Remember those words as you read. I’ve read the book of Esther -maybe for the first time from beginning to end. I’ve known the story since my early days in Sunday School but have only now understood its relevance. What a majestic and powerful love story.
Many ancient church leaders fought against its inclusion in the Canon because never once is God’s name mentioned. It’s regretful that many have not seen the picture story of God’s redemptive love through Esther’s story. The book is a shadow of things to come. It reveals God’s plan for humanity.
Through the simple story of a young woman God reveals His plan. Esther’s life unfolds like a fiction romance novel yet it is non-fiction and completely God’s inspired Word.
King Ahasuerus had a great feast and invited everyone, including the common folks to attend. It was a magnificent display of the kingdom’s riches and glory. The festival was intended to display the King’s glory and his crown jewel – His Queen. Queen Vashti refused to obey the King’s command and was eventually stripped of her crown.
A beauty contest was held throughout all the land and young women were brought before the king after a one year purification, cleansing and beautification process. That’s right, before they were introduced to the king; they went through a beautification process. It was a one year beauty contest. Esther was chosen to replace Vashti as queen. I’m sure you remember the rest of the story. Esther pleads for her people before the king and the Jewish people are vindicated.
Remember, this is the story of a king, his bride and a kingdom. As Esther went through a purification and beautification process before becoming the king’s bride, we must go through the same. As Christians, we are being purified, and beautified so we can become the bride of Christ. Our king is looking for His bride to present on the seventh day of the festival. As King Ahasuerus wanted to present his bride on the last day, God will present His perfect, purified bride on the last day. Thus ushering in His kingdom.
There is so much more to this powerful book. Hopefully, this will prompt you to read it for yourself. Discover the King, His Bride and His Kingdom as you read. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The difficulties, struggles, trials, persecution, attacks and problems we face are all part of the purification and beautification process we must go through in order to be presented as the perfect bride of Christ.