Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Beethoven Influenced the Creation of the CD

Beethoven's Ninth

The most misunderstood symphony in history was Beethoven's Ninth. Even if you're not into music, the story of Beethoven's 9th symphony is fascinating. For over 150 years, critics mistakenly assumed that Beethoven must have been lying when he said it was his most unique and complex piece. Though powerful, the work seemed to have no unity, so the critics assumed the 9th was merely a compilation of earlier works. The critics blew it off as garbage.

Then, a few musicians in the 20th century began to note all the sub themes running throughout the music. And as those themes were noted, the whole symphony opened up in all its beauty and power. Ultimately, the composition became recognized in all its greatness. Beethoven's Symphony #9 was understood as a unified whole. And once the unity was understood, the impact became remarkable.

When the European Union wanted to select an anthem to represent all of European civilization, Beethoven's 9th was the obvious choice, particularly the final movement - the Ode of Joy. Further, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony appears to have influenced the development of the compact disc. Philips and Sony were the companies that had started work on the new cd audio format in 1979. As they experimented with different sizes, Sony chairman Norio Ohga insisted that the CD be able to contain a complete performance of the Ninth Symphony. Since the longest known performance of Beethoven's 9th lasted 74 minutes, that became the longest playing time of a CD. A diameter of 12 centimeters was required for this playing time. Therefore, a cd is 12 cm around because that's what it took to fit all of the 9th on one.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Internet Scavenger Hunt

Let's play a game ..... an Internet scavenger hunt.

Find the following items somewhere on the net and post the links for everyone to see.

1. A copy of Captain Kirk's Log.

2. World Record for chewing the same piece of gum.

3. A free version of the final episode of Cheers.

4. An article detailing the demands of the occupy movement that actually makes sense.

5. Weird Al's 2011 concert schedule.

6. How many criminals were shot by citizens in Texas this year.

7. How many Alabama politicians have served jail time after being elected.

8. Eddie Murphy's I Got Your Ice Cream Routine. I think he was wearing his red faux leather

9. Video of Robert Tilton preaching. Gotta love those facial expressions.

10. The end of the Internet.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Republicans Don't Care Who Wins the Presidency

Republicans don't care about the presidency. They are not interested in winning the White House because the power in our country is in Congress. The conservative movement is of no concern or interest to the elite Washington establishment.

Power = Money

The Republicans want control of Congress because they want control of the money ..... our money.

Does it seem strange that every Republican candidate that challenges Mitt Romney has been attacked from the left and right? The Republican establishment in Washington believe that Romney as a candidate gives them the best change to gain seats in the Senate. With control of Congress, the Presidency becomes irrelevant. The money and power is in Congress.

The crazy, psycho Republican race has been orchestrated by the Washington elites who want to control our money.

Republicans have bought into the European, progressive movement that does not work.

AND .....

President Obama is now trying to reinvent himself as a moderate, progressive .....

How stupid ...... He's a liberal.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pay College Athletes ... Not As Students But As Professionals

I'm sick of college sports .... specifically football and basketball ... the only profit centers for universities. Years ago, there was a group of people called student athletes. Today, that group has been replaced with minor league athletes who are exploited, used as institutional slaves and thrown away after winning championships. The problem is greed! Haven't you heard that before? The love of money is the root of all evil. Making money isn't a problem, exploiting others because of the love of money is.

Universities use students in order to make money for the trustees and administrators. The athletes who earn the money never see it. Then they get in trouble because someone pays them under the table. Most of the time, they need the money to live on while in school.

The answer is simple ..... pay the players .... not as university students but as minor league athletes.

The profitable sports should be taken away from the universities and the NFL and NBA should develop farm/minor league systems like baseball. Players could opt to attend college or play in the developmental leagues and earn a living.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Risk Rules .....

I’m not a trained economist or financial guru but I know our current American governments view of economics is fundamentally flawed. Since Ronald Reagan left office our philosophy has shifted from economic freedom to economic slavery.

It appears to me that career politicians saw their future at risk. With economic freedom in the hands of the average citizen, their political and financial future was at risk. How have the Washitonians reacted to this fear? They have slowly stolen our freedom and put it back in the hands of the government.

Make no mistake; this is not a liberal, democrat take-over. It has come from the conservatives as well. Both President Bush’s adopted this philosophy by using flawed economic principles to stimulate our economy. The only real way to stimulate our economy is to create an atmosphere of economic freedom where individuals seize the opportunity to assume risk at the hope of earning income.

Risk is the solid foundation of economic growth. Without risk, no one makes a move. People don’t take new jobs, move across the country, have a baby, but a house or start a business without assuming some form of risk. Risk moves our economy. When the government becomes involved with our ability and desire to assume risk, they choke our economic freedom and stall economic growth.

The government’s role should be that of a coach – give us an atmosphere that allows us to pursue our hopes, dreams and goals by allowing us to make the plays.

The Keynesian economic principles that both major political parties have subscribed to does not work. It is a myth to think that taxing during prosperous times and borrowing during recessions helps our economy. True economic growth and freedom come from individuals pursuing their dreams and goals without government intrusion by assuming the risk involved with the pursuit.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tutor Style

It started the same as everyday following a great fall. I woke up with my eyes crossed, my head tilting and the room spinning. Followed by inspection after inspection after inspection. On my fifth and last house, I saw them - dark, sinister and ominous. I cautiously slid my ladder from my truck never taking my eyes from theirs. The stare down had begun – man against beast.

I was scared … Tutor style. With large, fangs showing, they growled, snarled and barked. I growled, snarled and barked back. They slowly turned and walked away. Stupid dogs, I thought.

With precision and confidence, I continued to the house. After inspecting the right slope of the roof, I stepped over the ridge to the left. And that’s when it happened …. The dark, demonic spirits taking up residence inside the pit bull hissed with vengeance. Using my long range super hero abilities, I starred them down again. This time, they won … they circled the house, growling, snarling and barking. You’d think all the noise would have aroused the suspicion of someone nearby – not in this neighborhood.

There I was sitting on the roof, baking in 100 degree heat, wondering how to escape. What goes up must come down. As you know, coming down isn’t my specialty. I sat still in a valley for a few minutes until the hounds lost interest.

Since Delaney was sitting in the truck, I got her attention.

“When you see my ladder come down, open my door.”


“Cuz I’m gonna get chased.”


I was a little surprised by her sudden interest in my predicament. Then I remembered I kinda like watching people in situations like this. I think she was interested cuz she needed to laugh.
I slowly, quietly slid down the ladder and lowered it. I crept toward my truck. When I was about half way across the yard, they saw me. Man, them dogs can run!

I threw my ladder in the back of the truck, Delaney flung my door open and once I slammed it …. They were at the front of the truck ready to attack.

Oh well, just another adventure.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Adventure

These days my days start about the same. Up early, drive to my first inspection and work as fast as possible to avoid as much heat as possible. On Thursday, July 21, things went a little differently. My first inspection was at an Indian Reservation. I met with the tribal chief and started work. The main tribal council building was first – hail damage. The second building we inspected was the casino. It took a little longer … not because of the damage but because I lost a hundred bucks. Finally, we made it to the sweat lodge. These buildings are usually off limits to white men but because I’m 1/62 Indian, the chief made an executive decision to allow me to inspect.

The building was about 300 feet behind the main council building and was set on a 4/12 pitch. As I was completing my final test square, the chief got excited. Apparently, he thought I said there was no damage … Before I knew it; he had assembled the war team. Within seconds, they had painted their faces and mounted their horses.

With fierce looks through piercing eyes, they starred my direction. I acted with quick, cat like instincts and climbed from the single story section to the gambrel style second story. They circled the building firing flaming arrows over my head.

Moments later, the building was ablaze. Fortunately, my training as a super ninja worked. I tied a lasso and slipped it around the chimney. And that’s when I snapped a photo of the damaged flashing and flue cap. I tossed the other end of the rope over the limb of a large oak tree.
With arrows flying and the building fully engulfed, I leapt from atop. My do-rag worked great as I slid to safety. Running toward my trusty steel steed, I turned to face my enemy. Three, four maybe six hundred raging Indians were at my heels. I stood my ground, fighting one by one. In my mind I kept telling myself I couldn’t leave until they were completely satisfied.

As I bravely recited our five-pronged commitment, a flying tomahawk struck the back of my head. I felt as if I had fallen on concrete. Blood poured from my skull as the work turned bright white and I felt my eyes fading into a tunnel. It was over. I was finished. A fallen hero lay broken on the reservation.

As fate would have it, our field general came to my rescue. To this day, I have no idea how he did it. All I know is that I’m alive and so is he. I think he must have a secret weapon in that cruiser. Well, maybe it’s a toaster over.

Ok, Ok, it didn’t really happen that way …..

I was on a secret military mission ….. No that’s not it either.

Actually, I’m allergic to gravity. I fell from a roof, busted my head open, lost some blood, got a few staples and a concussion. That’s it.

Funny thing about the day …. Scahufler had to sign me out of the hospital as a responsible adult. I’ll give you a few minutes to recover from your laughter ….. pause, pause, pause. Get off the floor. That’s right, Schaufler is a responsible adult.

The doc told me to keep my head elevated ….. (let that sink in) ….. She looked puzzled when I said the only time I have a problem with that is when I’m upside down bouncing it off the concrete.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Don't Answer the Phone

Whatever you do ….. don’t answer the phone!!!!!

As you begin reading this chapter of my travel story, please keep this number in mind – 3,107. Repeat it in your mind over and over. 3,107, 3,107, 3,107 …. Don’t forget.

On April 15th I drove from Richardson, TX (Dallas) to Mobile, AL. I had been working in Richardson and was on the way home for Spring Break. Yes, I still get a Spring break! After making it home, we left the next day for Disney World. You may have read the last chapter which included the Saratoga Saga. If you haven’t read it, it’s a classic. Along the same line as my DFW airport experience. It’s also a classic. Anyway, we left Disney and drove back to Mobile. A couple days later, I left for Rock Hill, SC. Apparently, they had a big hail storm and the big guns were needed. OK, maybe not the big guns …. just a place for me to be out of the spotlight. You know they don’t like it when I surface for too long.

The only thing weird about Rock Hill was that I was told I’d be there for a while so I took Turtle – that’s what Shirley named our camper. I think it’s because I travel slow with my house behind me. The campground was part of the former Heritage USA property Jim and Tammy Faye owned. You can still see the castle and Roman-style amphitheatre they built. There was also a replica of the Upper Room and we were told God made His presence known more on this property than any other – I didn’t get that vibe.

So much for being there long – five days later I was off to Durham, NC. Why? Once again, the big guns were needed. Well actually, I wore out my welcome in Rock Hill faster than ever before. It usually takes much longer. So here I go …. Further under the radar. Durham is in the middle of the basketball capitol of the world …. Duke, UNC, Wake Forest, NC State .. all within a few miles. I did get the opportunity to tour Duke’s campus. Way cool! So much for staying here a while – four days in Durham and I’m off to Birmingham.

Pack up the Turtle and head south … to Birmingham. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. What happened you ask? One word – Tony! Some of you know what that means. While cruising through Spartanburg, SC, he called. Have you ever had the feeling you shouldn’t answer a phone call? I had that feeling after I answered. Don’t go to Birmingham … go to Chattanooga. Did you know that according to most GPS units, the best way to get from Spartanburg to Chattanooga is to take I-26 to Asheville, NC? So I’m off …. to Asheville. Did you know there is a large mountain range between Asheville and Knoxville? It’s called the Great Smoky Mountains!!!!! That’s right, the Smoky Freakin Mountains ….. you know, the million feet high mountains. How come my GPS didn’t include that on the map? Don’t you think that’s important information? I am pulling a Turtle, you know. Stupid little box who talks in a weird voice! I hate you!

Anyway, enough about my GPS. Do you know how tough it is to pull a camper up those mountains? If you don’t … it’s hard. A couple times I thought I was about to stop and roll backward. Wouldn’t that have been funny? So I was just plugging along and all the sudden we went to one lane. Do you know how many 18 wheelers go through the Smokey Mountains? Hundreds, maybe thousands. And they were all in front of me! One lane through some gorge … 26 miles of straight up rock with signs reading Watch Falling Rocks. Oh great, that’s all I need! Mountains collapsing on my Turtle. One lane over the mountains took over an hour and a half. So my 9 hour drive to Birmingham turned into an 11 ½ hour drive to Chattanooga. All because I answered the phone.

Now you understand the significance of the number 3,107 – That’s how many miles I’ve driven since leaving Richardson. Here’s how it went – Richardson, TX to Mobile, AL to Disney World, FL to Mobile, AL to Rock Hill, SC to Durham, NC to Spartanburg, SC to Asheville, NC to Knoxville, TN to Chattanooga, TN. Did I mention I hate mountains? And gorge’s and talking idiot boxes on my windshield and answering you know who’s phone calls. Oh and I also hate leaving NC and going to SC only to go back to NC in order to get to TN. Did you know the Cherokee National Forest is in NC and TN? I drove through it in both …. I hate that place! Stupid Cherokee’s … why do you have to have such a big forest?

Been in Chattanooga three days now ….. bout time to move aga …… OH NO, he’s calling again!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Saratoga Saga

Ever had that feeling? You know, the one that lets you know IF something can go wrong … it WILL. Keep that in mind as you read.

Some of you may not be familiar with my travel-adventure stories – so here’s some background. When I travel, Bad things happen. I mean, real BAD. I usually end up in situations that require my expert sense of direction and navigation skills. Last week, I needed my Native American tracking and trail blazing skill.

You see, it all started with three girls and a guy who decided to take a Spring Break trip to Disney World – the one in Orlando, not the little pretend one in Cali.

Fast forward to after the drive to Orlando. So, here we are … walking across Hotel Plaza Blvd toward the Downtown Disney bus stop. Since we were the only ones there, one of the drivers took us to EPCOT in a van. We talked about all kinds of things as he drove and finally he told us to take the Disney bus to Saratoga Springs when we’re ready to leave the park. Apparently, there are some busses that go to the parks and others to the hotels. He said it would be easier to get to our non-Disney hotel by taking the bus to Saratoga and walking across the street. Sounds easy, right?

Now we have to fast forward … Again. It’s about 8 pm and we’re eating dinner at the Brown Derby in the park formerly known as MGM. I think it’s now called Hollywood Studios. How’d we get here from EPCOT? Simple, we rode what we wanted to ride there and went to Hollywood. Dinner was great … Shirley had the Cobb salad, which is excellent if you’re in the mood for salad. I had the filet.

Sometimes, eating late bothers my system … in other words, I had an upset stomach … I went to the bathroom and tossed my filet … Ok, Ok, I puked.

We left the park and were waiting for the bus to Saratoga Springs. By the way, I hope I never stay at that resort! I puked a couple times while waiting. Do you know how long it takes those busses to show up? Anyway, now we’re on the bus … I think he took the long way to Saratoga. While approaching the first stop, the driver said pay attention to where you’re staying because there are several stops inside this resort. GREAT, we’re not staying here. We just want to walk across the street to our hotel – The Buena Vista Palace Hotel and Spa. We highly recommend this place … it’s fantastic. They have two pools and a couple restaurants, a spa and a great rental car office where you can rent really cool Nissan’s. Anyway …..

I looked at Shirley and said we gotta get off this bus, I’m about to puke again. BIG Mistake. Did you know it’s about a mile and a half from the back of Saratoga to the front?

Here we are walking from one building to the other looking for the main. After a couple more upchucks, we saw a map. Some of you may remember my map reading skills. We traced where we were to where we needed to be …. Sound familiar?

Here’s where the trek begins.

We walked down a sidewalk until it ended … finally found a building with a bathroom. You know why we were looking. After another sidewalk ended we walked down a dark street that led to another sidewalk that ended at a flowerbed. We had been walking toward the top of our hotel that could be seen over the majestic southern pines lit in Disney neon.

“There it is,” I shouted while pointing at the main building. The only thing standing between us and freedom from this Saratoga Jungle was the massive flower bed. I went first … after all; I’m the tracking-direction expert. Ten steps in we realized the bushes were kinda pointy … holly bushes. Man, those things hurt. Shirley followed with Delaney and Ashlyn behind. Uphill through the flowery maze of the Disney-manicured prickly topiaries ….. Finally to an opening in the jungle – an expansive clearing stretching for hundreds of yards. FREEDOM just before the main building ….. I think it was the fourth hole. That’s right; we’re standing on a tee box.

As Washington proudly crossed the Delaware, we crossed the Saratoga golf course. I wish they had put that on the map! Lewis and Clark would be proud. Well ….. maybe Clark Griswold …..
Finally, we made it to our hotel … after the mile and a half romp. We left Hollywood Studios at 9 pm … it’s now close to midnight. Aren’t you exhausted? Were ready to go back … to Disney, not Saratoga!

By the way …. On day two, we found out our hotel ran a shuttle to the parks. We tried it and that night they dropped us at the front door of our hotel. Never listen to a Disney bus driver. Shirley suggested we ride the hotel shuttle on day one but what does she know about navigation?

Oops, I almost forgot … the battery in our Honda Pilot was dead when we tried to leave Orlando. And …. Be careful ordering Happy Meals in Tallahassee …. These are stories for another day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What to Do

People keep asking when my novels will be in print. If I'm ever going to publish. Guess it's time. I'm contemplating making them available in the digital world through e readers like the Kindle, iPad, Nook, etc. I've been reading about how to go about it but apparently my attention span isn't long enough to figure it out. HELP!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Substitute Teachers .....

How come teachers are the only one who have to find substitute’s when they’re sick or just taking the day off? Have you ever noticed that? If you work at the newspaper, you don’t have to find a substitute … work goes on without you. Not with teachers. They can’t leave our kids unattended. I’ve been around my kids …. a lot … I know they can’t be left unattended.

What if your accountant had to find a substitute on the day you were meeting to work on your tax return? You wouldn’t be happy to find out he called in his barber to be his sub. What is the guy who’s in charge of launching the space shuttle had to be out on lift day? Here’s that conversation:

Head Shuttle Launch Engineer: “I’m gonna be out tomorrow, can you fill in as my sub?”

Shuttle Engineer’s Lawn Boy: “Aren’t you launching tomorrow?”

Head Shuttle Launch Engineer: “Yea, but don’t worry. It’s the last mission, anyway.”

Shuttle Engineer’s Lawn Boy: “I wish I could but I’ve gotta mow, and edge Old Lady Smith’s yard.”

Alright, thanks anyway.”

Maybe your pool man can sub?”

Good idea, thanks.”

Hey, pool man. Can you sub for me tomorrow?”

Like, fer sure, dude. I’d love to launch the shuttle.”

This is why teachers are the only one’s who get sub’s. Actually, maybe Congress needs to get a few sub’s?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Citizen Trade ... New Immigration Policy

New Immigration Policy

Politicians tell us our nation’s immigration policy is complex and not easy to fix. It doesn’t seem complex to me. With a few simple changes, we can update our immigration policy and make everyone happy. It’s called intelligent compromise … apparently our elected lawmakers do not have the ability to think creatively and solve this problem. That’s why I’m solving it for them.

Think like a professional sport general manager. At some point in the season you start thinking about making trades with other teams to make your team better, stronger, faster, etc. That’s the concept behind our new immigration policy. Every year, we have a trade deadline – April 15 – it’s already a national deadline so we may as well work with what we have. We take the people we don’t want any more and trade for hard-working, loyal, proud, dedicated, humble citizens from other countries. Simple but effective. We get people we want and get rid of a few idiots.

I’d take 4 Haitians, and a Cuban for Vince Neil … not Vince Neil when he was skinny, cool and could scream like a girl with Motley Crue, but fat Vince Neil who is now an embarrassment to all metalheads.

Val Kilmer is worth 2 Guatemalans and one Mexican … young, Top Gun Val would have been worth more … not so much now that his flight suit would be a hot air balloon.

Flavor Flav – Not worth anything so we’ll have to see if we can unload him in a multi-citizen trade.

We could probably do without Allen Iverson permanently. Right now, he’s on loan to Turkey. We may have to give up Tiger so they’ll keep him.

Citizen Trade is the way to go. The possibilities are endless.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Horse Meat on a Stick

National Redneck Day: Daytona 500

Today is National Redneck Day or what some call the Daytona 500. I've been thinking about this today. Rednecks show up by the thousands to watch NASCAR drivers race around a track. We all make fun of these wacko, inbred fools who drink too much, fight and make the rest of the white race look stooooppid. But, ...when we take a similar track, put grass or dirt on it, line up horses and jockey's ... we get a sophisticated, upper-class, calm, wine-tasting party known as horse racing. How can adding horses change the atmosphere that much? I think both would be more exciting if they were combined. That's right, sports fans ... let the horses race the cars. More wrecks, more blood, more fun and horse meat on a stick afterwards.

Black NASCAR Drivers .....

Sarcastic, satirical humor is my obsession. In my mind, if it's somewhat offensive ... it's funny. There are limits though and a few topics I don't address but for the most part, everything is funny. It's fun to exploit our stereotypes, add a touch of truth, dabble in a little sarcasm and laugh until it hurts. That's my intent .. I hope you laugh. OUT LOUD.

It doesn’t make a difference if you’re a practicing or recovering alcoholic. I don’t care if you shoot heroin, smoke crack or dip Skoal. Maybe you’re addicted to coffee, chocolate, picking your nose or picking your butt. If you’re a stereotype ... you can bet you’ll laugh by the time you leave this blog.

If you're bulimic, keep a trash can nearby and if you're a skinhead ... well, go ahead and shoot yourself. No matter who you are or what you do to live, thrive and survive ... I hope you laugh. Suit up, this is gonna be legendary.

How come there aren't any black NASCAR drivers? ... There isn't a police car at the back of the pack.

It's never a good idea to show up at your local battered women's shelter and ask: What did you do to deserve this?

The recession has been tough. I just saw a tow truck with a sign that read: Drink and Drive, We need the business.

There are only two tools anyone will ever need: Duct Tape and WD-40. If it moves and isn't supposed to ... use tape. If it doesn’t move and should ... use WD-40.

I'm tired of having a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

There’s nothing to fear but fear itself. What a stupid statement. What about spiders, snakes, raccoons who mock me, the lead singer from Sha-Na-Na, and Chuck Norris?

Stereotypes make me laugh because I wonder how they develop. Are they based on some level of truth that gets exploited or are they made up myths and urban legends. Either way, they make me laugh. Mainly because I'm a stereotype.

Since I’m a history buff …. I’ll find you more interesting when you’re dead.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Greatest Nation ... Falling Apart

There's no question America is the greatest nation ever founded but we have problems. Like any great society we seem to have lost our way. With political, economic, moral, sociological and spiritual problems destroying our way of life, it's a wonder our nation has lasted this long. I'm afraid we are in for a rude awakening - unless we radically change our way of thinking and life.

Here are just a few massive problems:

Overpopulation - We have a finite amount of space and with a rapidly expanding population we stand the risk of running out of room. Population control is NOT the answer. But we will have to develop alternative methods of agriculture in order to feed our residents.

Fossil Fuel Depletion - There's only so much oil and natural gas available. Alternative energy sources must be developed before we deplete fossil fuel reserves.

Global Terrorism - The threat from terrorism is greater than ever before. America must continue to lead the world in eradicating terrorism.

Water Supply - We live in a world controlled economically and politically by those who control the water supply. We are depleting our own water and may become too dependant on supplies from other nations.

Economics - We live in a nation of the have's and the have not's. Those with financial resources rule those without. Our panzi scheme of financial institutions have created great wealth for themselves while exploiting those living below poverty. After all, exploiting poverty is a great way to make money.

What's the answer?

To simply say Jesus is the answer is too simple. The real answer is Christian activism and involvement. Christians should be the most vocal resisters to our status quo way of life. We should be the ones sounding the alarm. We should be the ones actively involved in local, state and national politics, economics, financial planning, sociological development, natural resource development, etc.

If we took the message of Christ into every aspect of our American system, we would alter the course of human history.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

SKILLET ..... and the Coke and Tea Incident

I was reminded of this story last week when listening to a sermon about how Christians should react in certain situations. The story went like this: A man, dressed in a new suit, had a waitress spill two gallons of salad dressing all over him. He was furious! And caused a big scene in the restaurant. How many times have we reacted in a non-Christ-like way when faced with similar situations?

My story goes like this:

I used to promote concerts .... large events with Christian artists like DC Talk, Newsboys, Geoff Moore and the Distance, Steven Curtis Chapman, etc. In 1998, there was a new Christian band coming on the scene. They had just released their second CD and were beginning their tour. I booked them to play a show in Knoxville. You may have heard of them - SKILLET. Brand new and hardcore.

Shirley and I took the band to dinner about an hour and half before the show. If you've ever seen John Cooper, his wife Kory and the other band members, you know they look kinda ... scary. What do you expect? They're a rock band - with crazy, spiked hair, eyeliner (John), etc.
In East Knoxville, people don't usually dress that outrageous ...

We ordered tea, water and coke to drink. When the waitress brought a tray with six large drinks, she tripped .... fell forward and spilled, NO ... she dumped the drinks all over John. How would you react? Remember, he's about to go to work ... All dressed up .... Now covered with sticky coke, and tea. He was soaked.

His reaction was classic and Christian. Immediately he started laughing .... we all started laughing. He was kind, polite and accepting of the waitresses huge mistake. Everyone in the restaurant heard the commotion and watched with anticipation how he would respond. Within seconds, the manager arrived. Everyone was apologetic .... and John .... Well, he acted like Jesus. After a few minutes of conversation we told her who we were and that they were Christian musicians playing a concert down the road.

She called her teenage son and told him she was serving a band called SKILLET. Surprisingly, he had heard some of their music. She encouraged him to come to the concert. In fact, I made sure he got in free ... Following the concert ... he was saved.

In the middle of a bad situation John acted like Christ and a young man became a Christian. Just think, if she had never dumped tea and coke on John, her son may never have encountered Jesus Christ.

Next time something happens and you're about to explode ..... respond like Christ.

Because John was sticky we had to go back to the hotel so he could shower and change. Needless to say, we were late starting the concert .... so what! A young man came to Christ.

By the way, if you ever get the chance to hear them in concert ... GO! It'll be a Gospel presentation like you've never heard.

Births, Baptisms and Burials

Births, Baptisms and Burials ..... It seems as though those who are in ministry vocationally can become so consumed with "ministry" they forget their personal relationship with Christ. When I was a student minister, I told myself my relationship with Christ didn't suffer because I studied the Bible - but it was mostly in preparation for Bible studies or sermons. No big deal .... I prayed while leading our students in prayer! Isn't that enough?

We can become so wrapped up in Sunday School prep, small group leadership, hospital visits, etc. that our personal walk suffers because we are in the business of ministry. Guess what? This applies to non-vocational ministers, also! Remember, all Christians are called to ministry. So no matter what Christian activity you're involved with, make sure your personal relationship with Christ doesn't suffer.

Don't get wrapped up in the business of ministry that you forget Christ.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Will You Still Believe

Many times, our walk with Christ is interrupted by obstacles that may trip us or lead us down another path. Sometimes, our walk takes us to dark places, treacherous, narrow paths where we find it difficult to continue. Sometimes, we’re tired. Sometimes, it’s hard to see Christ walking with us. Other times, it’s difficult to hear His voice.

When you can't see, will you still believe?

When you can't hear, will you still believe?

When your walk becomes a crawl, will you still believe?

When the things you've been taught split from the TRUTH, which one will you follow?

IF only God had given us a way to see, hear and walk with Him during these times ….. Oh wait, He did! His revelation of His redemptive plan has been preserved in His Word – The Bible. Read it! Even if you don’t have the Scofield Authorized King James Version – Read it, study it, and meditate on His life-giving Word.


I'm reminded of Russ Taff's song I Still Believe. Check out the link.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spiritually Suicidal

My mind is troubled and disturbed because I’m easily distracted by deception and sin. I’ve declared war on my sin but that has only led to fatigue and gaping wounds spilling spiritual blood. The stench is unbearable. The wounds are too deep. Fighting seems useless. Then it occurred to me that becoming spiritually suicidal may be a better approach. I’ve taken the .44 from my heart and started picking off my sins one by one … attacking myself. My sins of unbelief, pride, selfishness, idolatry and arrogance are under attack by me. I’m killing myself with the Word of God.
In Paul’s day, he compared the Word to a sword. The sword was the offensive weapon of choice. Today, our offensive weapon of choice has to be a gun. So that must mean spiritually we are to allow the Holy Spirit within us to take out the sins that separate us from the Holiness of God. By blowing our sins away piece by piece God heals the wounds making us more like Him.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Decade in Review

2000-2010 - Decade in Review - Major events from this past decade

2000 - Y2K, Concorde Crashed killing 109, First Survivor Aired, Terrorist attack on USS Cole, Hanging Chads in FL

2001 – Wikipedia launched, Earnhardt died, Twin tower attack, ipod

2002 – Kelly Clarkson won first American Idol, DC sniper attacks killing ten

2003 - Space shuttle fell apart over TX on way to landing, Shock and Awe, Schwarzennegger elected governor

2004 – Wardrobe malfunction, Madrid trains bombed killing 200 and injuring 1500, Reagan died, Martha Stewart went to jail, Yasser Arafat died, Tsunami hit Indonesia killing 230,000

2005 – Terri Schiavo unplugged, Pope John Paul II died, YouTube launched, Hurricane Katrina

2006 - Twitter launched, Facebook opens to public, Gerald Ford died, Saddam executed

2007 – iphone launched, VA Tech shooting, Sopranos final episode, Bonds broke homerun record
2008 – Castro officially retired, Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals, China earthquake killed 90,000, Obama elected

2009 – Bernard Madoff caught, Miracle on the Hudson, King of Pop died, Edward Kennedy died

2010 – World Cup in South Africa, Saints won the superbowl, ipad released