Sunday, December 19, 2010

All My Denominations .....

Thinking about my theological heritage and belief formation in recent days and I’ve remembered I have a unique perspective. While in college I became director of a local Youth for Christ chapter primarily running Campus Life Clubs in three high schools and two middle schools. From that ministry I gained an appreciation for Christians of several denominations.

I grew up Baptist but have been influenced by pastors and leaders who are Methodist, Presbyterian and Assembly of God. While with YFC, I also served at a Congregational Methodist church as student minister. While in Seminary at NOBTS, I served as student minister at a Presbyterian Church in Midtown New Orleans.

The doctrinal positions of these denominations have led me to this conclusion ….. I am predestined to lose my priesthood of the believer status.

Monday, November 29, 2010

What Christians Must Believe

The early Church leaders met in a city named Nicaea in Asia Minor in AD 325 to formulate the foundational truths of Christianity. It seems that controversial and false teachings were making their way into the Church and leaders needed to come together to define the essential, foundational beliefs. They created what became known as the Nicene Creed. The early leaders studied the scripture and summarized the beliefs taught in God’s Word. The Nicene Creed is worth reading, studying and learning. Find a copy.

The need to understand, formulate and summarize the essential truths of Christianity is still needed.
Our society and even our local congregations of believers have added, and taken away so many foundational beliefs that it’s difficult to know what we believe. It’s even more difficult to understand why we believe what we believe.

Here’s a summary of 12 essential, foundational truths of the Christian faith. These doctrines are pivotal to developing relevant faith in Jesus Christ.

1. God exists.
2. God’s Word is reliable.
3. Sin separates humanity from God.
4. God became Human.
5. Jesus is the atonement for our sin.
6. We are justified through faith alone.
7. Christians live a transformed life by the power of God’s Spirit.
8. Jesus rose from the dead in body and spirit.
9. The Trinity exists.
10. God established His Kingdom.
11. God established His Church.
12. Jesus will return.

These essential truths define the core of Christian faith in Jesus Christ. Understanding why we believe what we believe is essential to developing a growing, relevant faith. How can we live out these beliefs? Through the Holy Spirit of God.

These truths are more fully explained in Josh McDowell’s new book – The Unshakable Truth.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My BEST Thanksgiving Meal ... Twice

The Best Thanksgiving Meal ...... Twice

Our Thanksgiving tradition may be different from others. Instead of staying home and inviting family over or going to someone’s home, we have a tendency to take a trip or vacation. Over the years, we’ve had Thanksgiving in Disney World a couple times, a cruise, the mountains, the beach. Anyway, you get the picture. Thanksgiving is always different. I guess our tradition is to be untraditional.

This year, we spent Thanksgiving Day at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. What a magnificent place. America’s largest house was originally built in 1895 by George Vanderbilt. The entire estate is surrounded by 8,000 acres of breathtaking gardens, views and restaurants.

The tour was amazing. We enjoyed the grand scale, architecture and décor in each room. The Biltmore should be on your list of places to visit soon.

Enough with the commercial and on with the story. We chose to eat dinner at 3 pm at the Deer Park Restaurant. It was originally the dairy farm for the Vanderbilt’s. Great food. Let me add that what you are about to read is Delaney’s fault. In order to set the stage I’ll have to take you back in time. It all started on August 23, 1995 – the day she was born. It was a small hospital in Port Arthur, TX. Wait, wait, wait … that’s too far back. It all started on August 8, 1997 – the day Ashlyn was born in New Orleans. No, that’s seems too far back, also.

It all started before we left for the Biltmore at 10 am Thursday morning. Do any of you suffer from migraines? I do. If you’ve ever had one you know how debilitating they can be. I take Imitrex and it works great. I never leave home without one – just in case. Well, I can’t say always. I thought about it but decided I wouldn’t need one. Have you ever made a mistake, known it was a mistake but done it anyway? I hate that.

The drive through the mountains was really fun. We laughed about our ears popping with the altitude change, made a few jokes about what we each chose to wear and fix our hair … the usual Grizzle humor. We stopped at a gas station just before the Estate and grabbed a little snack. Not sure about your migraine’s but mine are sometimes triggered by not eating at regular times. 3 o’clock is too late.

We loved he tour. Especially the basement that looked more like a dungeon. We were all disappointed with the Halloween room, though. I was expecting monsters … oh well. So the tour went on and my head started to hurt a little. Uh oh – migraine time. We moved throughout the house, had our annual Thanksgiving photo made and loved every minute – except the head throbbing. We shopped at a couple souvenir traps and bought a few of you something nice. Don’t worry; we got you the same thing we got you last year.

Pound, pound, pound. Do your migraine’s cause sensitivity to light, sound or nausea? Close to 3, we arrived at the restaurant – ready to dive into some down home Thanksgiving turkey, dressing, potatoes and pecan pie. Four hungry Grizzle’s stormed the buffet line – that’s right, I said buffet. The food was awesome – some of the best I’ve eaten twice. Sometimes a migraine will subside a little after eating. Not this one.

After one plate full I was in full blown pain and panic. The freight train is rolling and can’t stop. Delaney picked up her crystal glass to take a sip …. And that’s when it happened. The bottom stem of her glass fell off – it just fell off. She dropped her glass after the bottom fell into her plate. Turkey, dressing, potatoes and other food don’t mix well with Mr. Pibb. I’ve always wondered why Mr. Pibb is the substitute for Dr. Pepper. They taste nothing alike. So there she was with broken glass and Pibb soaking her food. Our waitress was excited to help clean it up. She recovered after we made fun of her as only Grizzle’s can do in one’s time of need. Ouch, my head really hurts.
Ashlyn ate her usual loaf of bread and decided she hated apple pie after two pieces. I’m not sure where her elf-sized body holds all that food. I’m on my second plate … and that’s when it happened … again. My migraine’s trigger nausea … that’s right, sports fans, nausea. Did you know the Biltmore hickory trees are big enough to hide behind and puke? There’s a nice one close to where they park the catering trucks. Anyway, after puking, I made my way back to the table hoping for dessert. After all, it is Thanksgiving. Nope, it didn’t happen. Outside to puke again.
Did I mention it was about an hour drive back to the camper? That’s where we were when I left my Imitrex. Shirley drove. Before we got on the interstate we stopped twice to puke – once at a CVS (where I bought Emetrol) and a gas station. Pain, pain, pain, puke, puke, puke. It’ hard to puke on the side of the interstate with hundreds of onlookers wondering what’s wrong with the idiot.
Did you know plastic Wal-Mart bags are handy to keep in your car? They can double as puke catchers in emergencies. I filled up three of them on the way home. The last gas station bathroom was the nicest. It was in North Greenville and I must say I’d stop again if I knew which one it was.
Imitrex works wonders and about an hour after taking one, everything was back to normal. Whatever normal is for us …

The Biltmore is nice and I’ll always remember this as the Thanksgiving meal I ate … twice. It tasted better on the way down.

How’s this Delaney or Ashlyn’s fault … not sure but I’m blaming it on them.

Welcome to the Christmas season.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Relational Truth

A recent study concluded 81% of Christians believe the Christian faith is defined as trying to follow the rules described in the Bible. This belief isn't the essence of Christianity. Describing Christian faith as following the rules of the Bible is legalism.

Christianity is about knowing and being and living in right relationship with God. True faith is about expressing the Truth revealed in scripture and our transforming experience with Christ. The story God shared in the Bible is His story not ours. He transforms our fallen nature by His completed work in death and resurrection. His scripture is meant to prepare us to display His nature to others.

Christian faith and the Bible are far more than trying to follow a list of rules.

Truth is relational. Jesus said He was the Way, Truth and Life. If He is the Truth, truth must be relational because we are in a relationship with Him. Legalism is the result of separating ourselves from the relational aspect of faith.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This morning I stopped at Starbuck's for a peppermint mocha and banana walnut bread. It was packed ... every table full. After I got my coffee and bread, I sat in one of the plush, comfy chairs in the corner. There were two men sitting at a table next to me ... talking loud. I couldn't help over hear their conversation. They were discussing John 15 ... specifically Jesus explaining the whole abide in Me thing. It didn't take long to realize it was a deep theological conversation. Their table was littered with notebooks and Bibles.

I became interested so I looked their direction several times ... just listening to them discuss the spiritual implications of what it means to really abide in Christ. It was fascinating and theologically deep. One even mentioned he was scheduled to be on a conference call with a couple other pastors later this afternoon.

They noticed me.

One said ... "you can't understand John 15 until you understand John 14" ... That's the one in verse 6 when Jesus told Thomas He was the Way, Truth and Life ...

I tried to engage them in conversation hoping either would take the opportunity to share their faith with me ... Nothing ... Squat ... Neither made any attempt to explain anything to me ... They had no idea if I was a Christian or not and made no attempt to ask.

It is sad and disappointing to see Christians so absorbed in their own faith they forget it is meaningless unless it naturally overflows in conversation.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for discipleship and deep theological discussions. But don't forget to share what you learn with those who may not know.

Inward discipleship is useless .... Jesus said "GO TELL" ... that command is for every Christian.

Tell someone about Christ.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

NASCAR ..... Ridiculous

Have you ever been to a NASCAR race? I have ..... they're exciting, scary and just plain ridiculous. If you've never been, let me give you the run down. About 40 drivers line up and start driving around a track ... getting faster and faster with each lap ... Not sure what may happen next? Here it is .... They're gonna turn left, then turn left, then turn left, then wreck, then start over, then turn left, then turn left, then turn left ..... on and on for 500 miles ending up exactly where they started.

It's the only sport I know where you can change the channel or leave the track for over an hour, come back and ask what happened and realize you haven't missed a thing ..... Still driving in circles!

Wonder what's gonna happen next? Another left turn.

If you've been to a race, I'm sure you noticed the people sitting around you are only seen at the fair and Mardi Gras .... where are these people during real life?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Top Gun 2

Goffywood not Hollywood

Years ago, the most creative artists in America flocked to Hollywood and produced great films. Unfortunately, this era is over and what comes from Hollywood these days shows a complete lack of creativity and respect for moviegoers.

Hollywood is now obsessed with remaking cult classics regardless of how it may affect their reputation. You'd think they got the message when Will Smith's new remake of The Karate Kid was a box office failure? Not Goofywood .... they're continuing to remake other classic films.

In various stages of production are these remakes: Russell Brand is reported to be remaking Dudley Moore's 80's comedy, Arthur! Rodney Dangerfield's Back to School is being remade for Cedric the Entertainer. Footloose, Short Circuit, Meatballs and the Rocky Horror Picture Show are all in various stages of production.

The worst example of Hollyweird's fascination with remakes has been announced in the form of a sequel. That's right, a sequel ... that's worse.

Are you ready? Top Gun 2 has been announced. How stupid? There's no chance to surpass the original so why try? These guys are idiots! Have you seen Ice lately? He'd never fit into a flight suit ... if he did he'd look like a Navy weather balloon filled with helium. They don't make cockpits big enough for him!

What a ridiculous idea! C'mon Hollywood .... give us something worth watching.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

God Does NOT Want Willing Hearts

There are many popular myths, urban legends and false teachings circulating within the Church. Too many Christians have had their faith derailed because of these myths and false teachings. One common myth is the false belief that God is looking for willing hearts! Believing a willing heart is all that is needed to follow Christ is completely unbiblical. Nothing could be further from the truth! Jesus called His disciples to sacrifice everything to follow Him. The Christian life is about sacrifice ... NOT a willingness to sacrifice. It takes more than a willing heart to follow Christ.

Let's face it, if having a willing heart was all it took, it would be too easy. Anyone can be willing to give up everything to follow Christ. Jesus NEVER called anyone to be willing ... He called them to ACTION. Abraham was called to leave his homeland and follow Christ to an unknown country. Moses, Joseph, David, Esther, Paul, Peter ... the list goes on and on.

The call to follow Christ takes ACTION ... NOT a willing heart.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Christians and Reincarnation

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1

There is nothing quite like Autumn, is there? The colors of the leaves are vivid and magnificent. Driving down the road seeing the reds, yellows, oranges, and brilliance of the season should remind us of God’s amazing creation. Doesn’t the season take your breath away? Autumn isn’t the only display of God’s creativity in nature. From the lush green valleys, to snow topped mountains, to turquoise oceans and gorgeous sunsets, his workmanship is seen. Even a powerful thunderstorm, despite the devastation, points to His majesty.

How could anyone live through autumn or look at nature and not believe there’s a God?

Wait, it isn’t about believing in God. Almost everyone believes in God (Read James 2:19). So, if almost everyone believes in God, what’s the difference between Christ followers and others who may only believe in God?

The tragedy is that in our American culture we have failed to pass our foundational beliefs to the next generation. We are now in a situation in which those who call themselves Christians have almost no distinguishable worldview than those who are not Christians.

Recent surveys taken of Christian young people show the following:

1. 23% of Christian young people do not believe in miracles.

2. 33% do or may believe in reincarnation.

3. 48% believe that many religions are true and point to God.

Are you kidding? Nearly half of Christian young people believe there is more than one way! Jesus said He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Marx vs. Paul

Brilliant people aren’t always right. They aren’t always wrong either. Two brilliant men lived long ago yet were polar opposites when it came to their understanding of humanity. The first was Karl Marx, the father of communism. Marx had developed many economic, social and religious concepts but there’s one I’d like to mention. He said mankind was homo faber; which is Latin for man the creator or workman. In contrast, the Apostle Paul said man is autos poiema; which is Greek for man the workmanship of God. Think of that distinction. One side says man is the creator. The other says man is the workmanship of God.

Isn't that intriguing? What an observation! This is what Paul wrote.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10 NIV

I’m not a Greek scholar so forgive me if I butcher this attempt to explain Paul’s concept. People are God's workmanship, His poiema - a term that can also be translated artistic rendering. We are artistic creations rendered in God's image, not our own. According to Paul, people could not be farther from being man the creator as Marx taught. Our works cannot even save ourselves, much less be the prime creative force Marx claimed. Our works are accomplished by the grace of the Creator God; who has even prepared the things for us to accomplish.

The implications are obvious and very significant. If Marx's concept is followed, frustration will follow. The burden of being Creator is heavy and people saddled with it will surely find themselves overwhelmed. This may explain the concentration of power in those command economies based on Marxism. People are unable to carry the heavy yoke of godhood and defer to the most powerful who play god by attempting to tightly limit all aspects of life. Perhaps this also helps account for amazingly low productivity in Marxist cultures that lies in contrast to the high output in those places operating with a biblical world-view.

This contrast is explained by the simple truth that Paul's model brings creativity. Grace is necessary precisely because we are not gods. Made in God's image, we are His workmanship. Living out who we are, we naturally do good works. We are creative not because we're trying to be the Creator, but because we're acting in response to being His workmanship.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Scary Month

My favorite time of the year has finally arrived – OCTOBER. The scary month. When I was a kid my dad always set up a haunted grave yard in our front yard. We spent Halloween night scaring kids. Most Halloween nights were hysterical. My sister laid in the grave yard like a zombie and when she moved kids would nearly lose control – crying, screaming, running …. Those were the days.
One year, we put a box at the street next to the trash cans so no one suspected it had someone inside it. Wes Rush hid in the box and he jumped out to scare a group walking down the street …… not so scary when he leaned over too much … toppling the box onto the street.
Needless to say, we still carry on the tradition …. Last year, Ashlyn dressed in black and sat next to the graveyard behind a bush. All she had to do was say hello and little kids ran away scared to death – HYSTERICAL!

I look forward to Halloween every year.

Thinking of Halloween makes me wonder what scares you.

Otters, heights, floods, Jerry Springer, turning on the TV and NOT finding an episode of Law and Order, faith, spiders, your boss, snakes, church, death ….. Many things scare us; some legitimately and others because of our misconceptions. I like scary movies but I wouldn’t want to live in one.

Fear can be a powerful force causing intense reactions. God is not the author of fear so how we respond in fearful situations is the key. Maybe the best way to counter fear is to be prepared with scripture. Hide His Word in your heart and you’ll be ready when fear lurks through your grave yard.

Another Halloween tradition started in high school – stealing, I mean collecting pumpkins. Late Halloween night we drove around taking pumpkins from people’s houses. Hey, it wasn’t stealing we were helping them throw them away! We loaded the bed of a truck every year with 30-40 pumpkins. I remember one time I snuck through a front yard creeping toward the porch with my prize in sight. A large jack o lantern with a bright flame flickering through the crooked smile and jagged eyes. After the snatch, I took off across the yard as fast as I could run. Something trailed … it was right behind me. Fearful I was being chased I looked back. It was an extension cord …. Looking at the pumpkin I realized it was ceramic and the flame was electric. I kept running with a 100 ft extension cord flopping on the ground. I’ve always wondered what those people thought when all the sudden their extension cord spontaneously tightened, jumped from the outlet shooting across the room … Come to think of it … I still have that cord.

Happy October, Happy Halloween … start early and scare someone tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Silly String Assassin

Back in my college days we played a game called Assassin. The rules of the game were simple. We tried to assassinate each other with silly string. That's right, sports fans, we ran around campus firing silly string at each other. Once hit, you were out. Usually one game lasted a week so we used lots of cans of string. The only safe place was a dorm room or class room. Professors frowned upon shooting string in class. Even though rules prevented us from shooting in class, we always carried our cans.

I remember sitting in Group Psychology with Dr. Early listening to him lecture about group norms. Group norms are the acceptable behaviors groups set for themselves. An example would be a group of friends eating lunch in the snack dome with everyone eating their own food not snatching random food from each other's plates. Wait, this was college. We did that. Never mind. Anyway, group norms are the acceptable behaviors groups set.

Dr. Early explained our next project was to violate a group norm and write about it. He wanted us to intentionally violate an acceptable norm.

With silly string in my back pack, the idea spontaneously came over me. He continued explaining the project and like a bullet shot from a gun, I stood up and walked to the front of the class. No one expected what happened next. I emptied my can of silly string all over Dr. Early. He was covered with purple string in seconds. The shocked gasps turned to applause and finally a standing ovation from my classmates.

Al he said was, "Class, that's how you violate a group norm."

I got a B- on the paper.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Refuge ...

Numbers 35 and Deuteronomy 19

These two passages describe the establishment of Cities of Refuge in ancient Israel. Six cities were established as refuge for those who committed manslaughter – the accidental death of someone. If someone caused the death of another a member of the deceased person’s family had the right to take the life of the accused. The avenger had to retaliate against the killer before he made it to a city of refuge. Once inside the city the avenger could not pursue. Protection only came within the city of refuge.

This seems to be another puzzling passage of why God asked ancient Israel to establish different or peculiar laws and practices. He clearly wanted His people to live differently. He established a system of justice ruled by mercy.

Why did God establish cities of refuge? He was painting another picture of His spiritual redemptive work for humanity. The cities of refuge were a picture of Jesus.

The Bible applies this picture of the city of refuge to the believer finding refuge in God on more than one occasion:

Psalm 46:1: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. More than 15 other times, the Psalms speak of God as being our refuge.

We can flee to Jesus for refuge when the accuser chases!

Jesus vs. City of Refuge:

Jesus and the cities of refuge are within easy reach for the needy; they were of no use unless someone could get to the place of refuge. The cities were within one day’s travel.

Jesus and the cities of refuge are open to all, not just the Israelite. No one needs to fear that they would be turned away from their place of refuge in their time of need.

Jesus and the cities of refuge became a place where the one in need would live; you didn’t come to a city of refuge in time of need just to look around.

Jesus and the cities of refuge are the only alternative for the one in need; without this specific protection, they will be destroyed.

Jesus and the cities of refuge provide protection only within their boundaries; to go outside meant death.

With both Jesus and the cities of refuge, full freedom comes with the death of the High Priest. Those accused stayed in the city until the death of the current High Priest. Upon his death, they were free. What an incredible picture of the work of our High Priest, Jesus. He set us free upon His death for our sin.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Shine, Jesus Shine

Judges 6-8

I always wondered why God asked Gideon to circle the bad guys at night while holding lamps covered with clay pots. I'm sure you remember the Old Testament story of Gideon. He assembled potential soldiers for the battle. Through a series of tests, the Israelites army was reduced to 300 men. Under the cover of night, the small army, armed with lamps, surrounded the enemy camp. When Gideon blew his horn, the 300 broke their clay pots exposing the light from their lamps. What a goofy way to win a war. God was definitely using His creativity when He came up with this idea.

Gideon: "God, how are we going to win with 300 men?"

God: "Get some lamps, clay pots and horns."

Gideon: What about swords and bows?"

God: Naaahhh. Not gonna need em."

Gideon: "Are we gonna set em on fire?"

God: "Circle their camp tonight. Wait for my signal and break your pots."

Gideon: "Then we set em on fire!"

God: "No, just run around blowing your horns."

Gideon: "You're serious?"

God: "Trust me, I've done this deliver My people thing before."

Ok, that may be my version of the conversation but you get the point. Gideon trusted God. He knew Israel would be delivered from their enemy. By the way, who is your enemy? Are you being pursued and persecuted? If so, God is your source of delivery.

So, here I am trying to figure out why God used clay pots and lamps. Then it hit me right in the face. Does that ever happen to you? Read a passage of scripture for the 100th time and all the sudden it comes to life clobbering you with something so obvious it makes you feel stupid? Well, that's what happened.

Many times the Bible refers to us as clay in the potter's hand. We are also referred to as light. So here it is. I finally understood this passage. God was painting a picture of our spiritual lives. His light only shines through our brokenness. We are the clay pots being held in His hands. When we are broken, He is able to be seen as the light of the world. Our brokenness reveals His light. If you don't understand what I mean, I would recommend you study the Scripture about light, clay and brokenness.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lick the Windows, Bang Your Head and Ride the Short Bus...

This coming week is National Mental Health Care week. You can do your part by remembering to contact at least one unstable person to show you care.

Well ..... my part is done. Your turn! Follow my example by sending this encouraging message to a disturbed friend. I don't care if you lick windows, bang your head against a wall or take the short bus .... you hang in there sunshine, you're special ....

Message of the Day: Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, And Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that makes you smile.

Faith in Faith

We are taught in Hebrews and other Scriptural references to have faith. Sometimes faith can be spiritually fatal. When we pursue faith in faith the result is tragic. Many Christian leaders teach a brand of faith contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Some of these leaders can be seen on flat screen TV’s across the country broadcasting this word of faith or revelation knowledge lifestyle. By abandoning the Biblical teaching of Christ, mainstream Christianity has allowed this movement to derail our hope of teaching true faith in Christ not faith in faith.

Thousands of unsuspecting and spiritually immature Christians have been devoured by faith healing and word of knowledge leaders because the Church has not dealt with these false teachers appropriately. Far too many Christians are drinking the kool-aid and pretending this brand of Christianity isn’t harmful. It is the single greatest threat to Biblical Christianity.

Much has been written about the New Age movement, Witchcraft and Islamic fundamentalism and the threat they pose to Christianity. The word-faith, faith-healing, positive confession or prosperity gospel false teachers pose the greatest threat to Biblical Christianity.

The doctrinal difference between the Gospel preached by Christ and the prosperity gospel is striking. Jesus said, In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world John 16:33. In sharp contrast, the word-faith teachers promise unlimited health and wealth to believers who can conjure up their level of faith.

Jesus taught His followers not to labor for that which perishes but to labor for that which is eternal John 6:27. The prosperity gospel encourages Christians to focus on what they can receive from Christ now.

Have you heard the testimonies of businessmen who say their businesses doubled after they sowed a faith seed into some faith ministry? This teaching emphasizes getting something from Christ as opposed to the Bible’s teaching of sacrifice for Christ. Jesus has become a means to an end, and believers are enticed through slick marketing.

Jesus predicted for poverty, rejection and persecution for His followers not name and claim what you want and magically God will snap and provide.

No one can guarantee prosperity or healing. We should live by faith in Christ not faith in faith and leave the results to Him.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Harold and Kevin

Back in my younger days, I was a little rambunctious ... OK, maybe I was hyper or spastic or a little psychotic. Whatever it was kept people guessing. I could go on and on about stories from high school but I won't bore you with such trivial, useless rantings from the old days ... OK, you twisted my arm ... just one story from high school.

It was the week following our graduation and I was hanging out with friends in Gulf Shores. A few of us stayed at a friend's house. Harold Britt, Jimmy Doan, Steve Prescott, Jerry Waller and Tony Acuff, and me ... Hopefully, I haven't forgotten anyone. A few other friends were staying at a condo somewhere close. If I remember right it was within walking distance from Harold's place.

One day ... Harold and I had the bright idea to walk to the condo where Scott Chavers, Kevin Savoy and maybe someone else were staying. Now that you know the background .... I'll begin the story.

Light gray clouds parted as the bright afternoon sun made its presence known to its mass of sand-stricken worshippers. The Gulf had never looked better. We had played and celebrated the end of an era and in anticipation of a new beginning. Strolling past the Hangout toward Papa Rocco's, Harold and I talked about what we should do and where we should go once we picked up Savoy from the condo. The walk seemed to take forever in the bright heat of the day. Fortunately, I wore jet black wayfarer's ... I think they were out of style but the good news is they're back. I'm sure I still have mine. Anyway, where was I?

Fearing something may be wrong we slowly eased the condo door open. The creaking sound startled me. I'm sure Harold laughed. You see, just before we knocked, we noticed the door was cracked. Kevin or Scott or the person I can't remember could be in trouble or hurt or .... murdered. Alright, this isn't a suspense thriller. We realized Kevin had not closed the door all the way and was taking a shower. Did you know that opportunity only presents itself a few times? When it does .... Run full speed ahead. You'll love it.

We figured out which room was Kevin's and strategically hid in the closet. At this time in our young lives, we thought it was cool to smoke Hav-a-Tampa skinny cigars. You know, the one's with the wood tip. Maybe it was Swisher Sweets. Either way, Harold and I lit up and puffed like crazy. By the time Kevin finished his shower .... the closet was full of smoke. We could see him through the slats in the wooden bi-fold closet door.

While drying, we heard the first of many sniffs. Immediately, like a bloodhound on the trail of an escaped con, Kevin frantically looked for the source of what he thought was a fire. The trail led him to the closet door. Wearing only a towel, he sniffed .... and as he reached for the closet door, we sprung into action jerking the door open rushing out of the closet, screaming like a band of Indians.

WOW! I have to tell you it was an adrenaline rush ... Oh, not for me and Harold. For Kevin. Did you know it is actually medically possible to scare someone to death? In that moment we realized our joke nearly gave Kevin a heart attack. Needles to say, I don't recall Kevin finding the humor.

I'm not sure what reminded me of this but I hope I've remembered it accurately.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Oldest Living Valley Girl

OK, so like, here's what happened at dinner. Well, first .. let's talk about the decision to eat at OMG, the Georgia Diner ... Have you ever been there? OK, it totally looks just like an old-fashioned 50's style diner with these really rad tables and ... Anyway, sorry, I like forgot what I was saying. OK, so like, I totally sat down and this really old waitress brought me a menu and took my drink order. I'm not saying she's the oldest living person ... but let me tell you, in like dog years .... she's totally dead! After a few minutes of pondering the delicious looking menu selections, she pranced over to my table. OK, like, she strolled over ... OK, OK, she totally wheeled herself over to take my order. Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a deaf person? C'mon, you're deaf ... Why pretend? We need to know your limitations. My limitation is not having a filter in my brain. We all have one. If you can't hear, you may not need to be working in an environment where hearing is an essential job function.

"May I take your order," the old, deaf, valley girl asked.

"I'm not sure, yet," I cheerfully responded. (Yes, I can be cheerful)

The blank stare on her severely wrinkled face should have told me to stop talking. But, you know me ... Just plunge ahead into the dark, abyss of mindless chatter.

After an awkward minute of silence, I continued. "I'm not sure if I want the burger or country fried steak. Is the country fried steak any good?"

"So like, what kind of salad dressing would you like?"

Apparently the look of confusion, self-doubt and shock on my face prompted her to repeat the question. Have you ever had one of those totally crazee moments when you realize you should give up all hope? Abandon ship ... Not me .... further into the valley girl abyss I went ...

"Thousand Island."

"Coming right up."

A few minutes later she brought me a salad with thousand island dressing. A little while later I was served a plate with mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots and broccoli and like this totally rad piece of country fried steak.

People say we should learn something new everyday Here's what I learned today:

1. Never eat at the Georgia Diner in Duluth, GA.

2. Never ask if the country fried steak is good. apparently, that's code for "I'd like the country fried steak."

3. Old, deaf women do not make good waitresses.

4. The oldest, living valley girl retired to Duluth, GA.

5. Leave a nice tip anyway ..

6. And last ... I learned to rock the casbah even though I'm still not sure what that means.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What If

What If ... Money grew on trees? What If ... Pigs could fly? What If ... Hell froze over? Although these are cliches that aren't actually going to happen, we can learn a lesson from them. We have a tendency to what if our lives to death. We constantly ask what if this and what if that. What if questions go along with why questions. How many times have you heard someone ask why? Why did God allow this to happen? What if God had done that? This type of questioning isn't productive and usually leads us in a downward spiral away from God's will.

The only What If question that is productive is to ask yourself ... What If ... we loved each other as Christ loves the Church? The world would be radically different ... WHAT IF ...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miss Universe Contest

A King, A Bride and A Kingdom ….. Remember those words as you read. I’ve read the book of Esther -maybe for the first time from beginning to end. I’ve known the story since my early days in Sunday School but have only now understood its relevance. What a majestic and powerful love story.

Many ancient church leaders fought against its inclusion in the Canon because never once is God’s name mentioned. It’s regretful that many have not seen the picture story of God’s redemptive love through Esther’s story. The book is a shadow of things to come. It reveals God’s plan for humanity.

Through the simple story of a young woman God reveals His plan. Esther’s life unfolds like a fiction romance novel yet it is non-fiction and completely God’s inspired Word.

King Ahasuerus had a great feast and invited everyone, including the common folks to attend. It was a magnificent display of the kingdom’s riches and glory. The festival was intended to display the King’s glory and his crown jewel – His Queen. Queen Vashti refused to obey the King’s command and was eventually stripped of her crown.

A beauty contest was held throughout all the land and young women were brought before the king after a one year purification, cleansing and beautification process. That’s right, before they were introduced to the king; they went through a beautification process. It was a one year beauty contest. Esther was chosen to replace Vashti as queen. I’m sure you remember the rest of the story. Esther pleads for her people before the king and the Jewish people are vindicated.

Remember, this is the story of a king, his bride and a kingdom. As Esther went through a purification and beautification process before becoming the king’s bride, we must go through the same. As Christians, we are being purified, and beautified so we can become the bride of Christ. Our king is looking for His bride to present on the seventh day of the festival. As King Ahasuerus wanted to present his bride on the last day, God will present His perfect, purified bride on the last day. Thus ushering in His kingdom.

There is so much more to this powerful book. Hopefully, this will prompt you to read it for yourself. Discover the King, His Bride and His Kingdom as you read. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The difficulties, struggles, trials, persecution, attacks and problems we face are all part of the purification and beautification process we must go through in order to be presented as the perfect bride of Christ.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Attract or Diburse

Over the past few months we have learned a couple new words related to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – Attractants and Disbursements. Well, to be fair, these aren’t really new words but rather new to this context. An attractant is simple to define – something that attracts something else. Disbursements are things that distribute or disburse something. In the oil spill context these words define the chemicals BP is using to attract oil with the hope of containing it for clean up. The disbursements are placed in the water with the hope of breaking the oil into smaller particles. The tar balls that keep washing up on the coastal shores are created when disbursing chemicals come in contact with the oil.

BP is using chemicals to attract oil and disburse it.

I am reminded of Matthew 12:30. - READ IT!

Seems to me that people attract or disburse, also.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wardrobe Malfunction

A light mist started falling from the dark, storm clouds minutes before I looked toward the sky. I was floating. It felt as if I were suspended in time - bobbing up and down with the rhythmic, methodical salty waves as they raced toward shore. Fortunately, my life jacket forced me on my back and I was able to keep my head above water. In the moments before my dad turned his white 20-foot center-console style boat around, I peered over a three foot wave to see my oldest daughter bobbing up and down about 100 yards away. She waved toward the boat as her silver-haired grandfather maneuvered slowly beside her. After she was back in the boat they headed my direction.

By now I had withstood three or four three foot waves over my head. Just before the boat arrived I spit out a gulp of salty gulf water - hopefully, non-oil-laced water. The fishing vessel turned ski boat pulled along side. My wife and father curiously wondered why I was laughing hysterically. After I yelled, they knew why? Have you ever seen someone laugh so hard they almost fell off a boat? It’s quite comical.

“I have a wardrobe malfunction,” I yelled.

After a minute of silence they realized what I meant. I will never forget the expressions on their faces. I actually saw the light bulbs come on when my dad and wife realized that wardrobe malfunction meant I had lost my shorts. That’s right; I was floating, bobbing and trying to keep my head above water while holding my shorts around my waist. It’s just not cool to laugh at someone when their pants have been floating in the Gulf of Mexico without them.

“Do you have your shorts?” my dad asked.

“Barely, I’m hanging onto them!”

Hey, did you know that before you take your kids tubing or skiing for the first time it’s a good idea to find out what equipment is essential? We had life jackets, a huge two-person inter tube and a long rope. What didn’t we have? A ladder to climb into the boat. Don’t go tubing without a ladder. It is difficult to climb into a boat without a ladder after you have been slung through the water at 800 miles an hour. It is even more difficult to do it with one hand while your other is holding your shorts! I felt like a street thug with my shorts around my knees.

Apparently the constant banging and violent thrashing on the tube tore the button and zipper from my shorts. There was even a rip beside the zipper. Needles to say, we learned a lot about tubing. We also learned about proper tubing attire. Flopping over the side of a boat with your shorts around your knees just isn’t cool.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Hunt for Red October

I like war movies. Maybe you do too. Do any of you remember the movie The Hunt for Red October? It is a great movie with a scene that illustrates how we should live. You may remember the scene. The Soviet submarine commander (Sean Connery) made a strategic move when his sub was fired upon by an American sub. Instead of trying to avoid danger, he turned his sub toward the torpedo and headed right for it. All his men thought the Commander had finally lost his mind. Who steers toward danger, not away from it? Little did they know his strategic maneuver would save their lives? By moving toward the torpedo, he disrupted the computerized timing mechanism and the torpedo struck their sub without exploding. He closed the gap.

What a perfect analogy for life. Maybe God is asking us to close the gap. I am convinced that everyone has a gap between where they are and where they can be. I believe God helps close our gap by drawing us His direction. Try to think about one thing you can do to close your gap – one thing that will help you take a step closer to Christ.

Volumes of books have been written outlining expert opinions on effective self-help characteristics. I’m sure you’ve seen the titles: 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, The Life Strategies Workbook, Chicken Soup for Everything, and on and on. There are books on parenting, mental disorders, self-esteem, relationships, communication and more. All designed to help us improve. In all these titles, I see one common factor – Attitude. You can change everything by changing your attitude.

Talent and Ability determine what we can accomplish. Attitude determines how well we will accomplish it (Lou Holtz).

A recent focus study administered by Business Week Magazine listed the 25 top companies in customer service. A few of the top 25 include: Four Seasons Hotels, Cadillac, Nordstrom, UPS, Lexus, Apple, Starbucks, Hertz and FedEx. The most common theme Business Week discovered in the top companies was an attitude that centered on the need to constantly improve. No matter how good we are, we need to improve. Attitude is the catalyst.

a Philippians 2:5
a Ephesians 4:22-24
a I Peter 4:10
a Philippians 4:8

Don’t be satisfied with the status quo.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Proven Chruch Growth Strategies

Church Growth experts have challenged, motivated and inspired church leaders for decades to stretch beyond the status quo when reaching communities. The following list of proven church growth strategies has been posted to aid pastors and church leaders effectively communicate the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to a lost world. Please study the effectiveness of each strategy as not all will work in every church.

There are too many books, DVD's, lectures, magazine articles and Ph.D. dissertations on church growth principles and strategies. These eight principles should end all discussion on how to grow a church.

1. Use 5th grade boys as greeters after they drink 2 liters of Mountain Dew and a shot of Red Bull.
2. Use score cards to judge the pastors sermon like in Olympic gymnastics.
3. Members are allowed to blow vuvuzela’s if the preacher’s sermon goes over 30-minutes.
4. Have a tattoo artist available before and after services.
5. Line the aisles with baskets of rotten fruit and vegetables to throw at the worship team when they lead a song we don’t know!
6. Make the Education Minister fight Brock Lesnar if he changes the SS curriculum.
7. Host a community-wide bonfire using the hymnals we haven’t opened in eight years.
8. Allow family members to designate how long new converts should be held under during baptism.

Church Growth Methodologies is just one of the many services I provide.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Boycott Buffett Concert

Jimmy Buffett is an idiot - another left-wing musician who thinks he can solve the world's problems by singing a few songs. Don't get me wrong, I like his music and have several CD's. I was 15 the first time I saw him in concert and have since seen him perform many times. But he's trying to transform his musical platform into a political one. The following is a quote from a recent interview Buffett gave to Associated Press:

Buffett, a supporter of President Barack Obama, said the roots of the spill lie with the administration of former President George Bush, which was often criticized for being too cozy with the petroleum industry.

"To me it was more about eight years of bad policy before (Obama) got there that let this happen. It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases," he said. "I think that has more to do with it than how the president reacted to it."

OK, is it me or did he blame the oil spill on a political administration? How stupid! Whether the previous administration was Republican or Democrat is irrelevant. NO ONE from the White House climbed onto the Horizon and blew it up. HEY, BUFFETT! The oil spill was caused by an explosion NOT a politician.

So I guess his concert this weekend is going to turn into a liberal political rally instead of a concert.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Politics as Usual

January 2013

One day a man walked up to a Marine guard at the White House and asked to meet President Obama. The Marine replied Mr. Obama is no longer president and doesn't live at the White House any longer. The man left.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and asked the same Marine, if he could meet President Obama. The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr.Obama is no longer president and no longer resides here." The man thanked him and again just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama." The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to see Mr. Obama. I've told you already that Mr. Obama is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand?" The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it."

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow, Sir."

Political Humor

Man: Four years ago my cousin ran for state senator.
Woman: What's he doing now?
Man: Nothing .... He got elected.

Q: Why don't we ever hear of a thief burglarizing a politician's house?
A: Professional courtesy.

Mom: What makes you think our son will be a politician?
Dad: He says more things that sound good and mean nothing than any other boy on the block.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Bible is About Me

Adam was created in God’s image. He is the only man to arrive on this planet without parents, childhood, family or friends. No wonder he wasn’t alone long. God created Adam to develop community and togetherness. As Adam, we long for intimate relationships with others. We are created to be together as family and friends.

We tend to overlook many of Adam’s accomplishments choosing to focus on his faults. He was the first zoologist, landscaper, horticulturist, general contractor, engineer, farmer, husband and father. Talk about responsibilities! He had to be a type A personality. Adam’s historical story is more than just the beginning of humanity. Theological implications are far reaching when Adam is discussed. More than the father of humanity or the man who brought sin into the world, Adam’s relevance to the Gospel message cannot be ignored. God’s redemptive plan is revealed in Adam’s life. As God made provision for Adam by covering him with animal skin, He covered us by shedding His blood for our salvation.

Genesis 1-5, I Chronicles 1:1, Luke 3:8, Romans 5:14, I Corinthians 15, I Timothy 2:13-14

In understanding Adam’s life story, I understand mine. The more I study his life the more consumed with the central message of scripture I become. The more consumed with the central redemptive truth of the Bible I become the more I realize about myself. Holy Cow, the Bible is about me!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tape Measure Guy

Ezekiel was a prophet of Israel before and during their exile in Babylonia. His visions foretold the coming exile, destruction of Jerusalem and eventual restoration of the nation of Israel to God’s Promised Land. Ezekiel used unconventional methods to communicate his message of God’s new covenant.

In chapter 40, Ezekiel records the beginning of a lengthy vision in which he spends time with an angelic being (40:3) who took him on a tour. This may be the first Holy Land Tour. This angel carried a tape measure in his hand. For a good portion of chapters 40-46, Ezekiel accompanies the tape measure guy throughout the city and temple as he measures every inch. In sure, at times, Ezekiel wondered why it was important he be shown the exact measurements of the walls, gates, pillars, steps, porches, altar, etc. The vision was specific and very detailed.

In chapter 47, the tape measure guy takes Zeke back to the temple. Zeke is shown the river that flows from the temple. He measures 1,000 cubits and the two wade into ankle deep water. Another 1,000 cubits are measured and they wade into waist deep water. Another 1,000 and now the river is too deep to cross. Zeke is led back to shore and shown trees flourishing on the bank. Verse 12 says their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. Their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing.

What a visual image! Many Christians wade in ankle deep water much of their spiritual lives. Others dare to spend more time in God’s word and prayer and they may reach waist deep water. How incredible to be one of the few who reach spiritual depths they cannot cross because the river of life is spectacular? The tape measure guy wanted Zeke to teach Israel the God of restoration is the source of food and healing.

I’ve wondered about the tape measure guy and recently discovered he makes another appearance toward the end. Apparently, he’s a visionary type because he reappears in Revelation. He’s the guy taking John on his visions (Rev. 21:15-17). In Revelation chapter 22, the tape measure guy shows John a familiar vision of the River flowing from the temple throne. This river displayed beautiful trees on its banks producing fruit. The leaves are for the healing of the nations. Just like Zeke’s vision.

Well, I guess this could symbolize many things but I think it’s simple. God created a redemptive plan for us by providing the source of spiritual life – Jesus (River). Christians are represented by the trees that produce fruit for spiritual food and leaves for the healing of the world. Let’s follow the tape measure guy into the full depth of the River of Life and bring healing to our land.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grace Illuminates the Darkest Place

Another poor attempt to write poetry.

The Choice

My heart's racing at the speed of sound,
Just to help you turn around.
Around to hear His kind, loving voice,
Call you again to make the choice.


Hearing the clock scream tick tock,
Louder and Louder as time grew near
When I would have to face my fear.
Fear of looking into my soul
Seeing my sin had taken control.

Men of Old

Abram lied to the Egyptian throne
In anger, Moses struck the stone.
David stayed home and chased a girl
And Jonah ran to another side of the world.
Great men of old who truly loved Christ
But fell into temptation when enticed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Water into Wine

John 2:1-11

Jesus’ first recorded miracle – Turning Water into Wine

This may be one of the most misunderstood passages of scripture recorded because many readers stop at surface level meanings. I cannot tell you how many sermons I have heard and Bible Study classes I’ve attended where the lesson taught had to do with drinking alcohol. How shallow and stupid! The passage has nothing to do with whether it’s alright for Christians to drink! Anyone who reads this passage and goes off on a tyrannical rant about the evils of alcohol has no understanding of what the Apostle John was trying to share.

There are many deeper implications we can draw from this miracle. Actually, it was more than a miracle – John called it a sign. What was a sign in ancient Jewish culture? Something that pointed to something bigger – well, duh! There you go. Could it be that Jesus was simply illustrating His purpose? After all, everything He did was intended to point us toward His purpose!

I would encourage you to read the text. Here’s the point. Jesus asked the servants to fill the ceremonial water jars. Oops, mistake number one. Come on, Jesus. What were you thinking? Those jars are for ceremonial washing NOT drinking. Who wants to drink from jars used for bathing? Yuk! I just thought of the poor servants who had to serve the head steward water from dirty jars. Remember, only a few knew where the water originated. I bet they were sweating, nervous and scared to death from the moment their master’s lips touched the water until he spoke! Talk about being on pins and needles! His response was to call over the bridegroom and ask why he had saved the best for last! The custom was to save the cheap wine for late in the wedding celebration. Not this guy! He saved the best for last.

What a visual picture Jesus provided. Hasn’t He saved the best for last? Think about it this way, Jesus took something from the Old Covenant (ceremonial cleaning jars) and transformed them into something living. This sign was a picture of the New Covenant Jesus became. It’s not about alcohol. It’s about Him transforming our old, dead ceremonial jars into living vessels (I and II Peter). The sign was a foretelling of his death, resurrection and ascension. Oh yeah, it was also about saving the best for last. That’s Heaven - the greatest celebration (wedding feast). Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Jesus came to transform the old, broken, lost, blind, deaf, cripple, and diseased human race and in so doing He saved the best for last.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm Saving Your Life

A story from a few years ago …

Delaney was five and Ashlyn was three. They ran around the house jumping, skipping, singing and dancing like most little girls. Ashlyn never had much chance to play what she wanted because Delaney was insistent on making Ashlyn play her way. OK, I’ll say it, Delaney was bossy!

One day Shirley and I were outside doing something in the yard to make it appear we did yard work more than once a year. Neither one of us has a green thumb or a brown one or even a black one. I went inside to cook something for the girls to munch on - popcorn.

After pressing start on the microwave I returned to the yard. Five minutes turned to ten and ten quickly became twenty. You know how easy it is to lose track of time when doing something you love. Do you know how long you should cook microwave popcorn?

Delaney came running outside skipping in circles asking for her popcorn over and over and over. She was using that annoying high-pitched voice your children sometimes use. Shirley went in to get the snack and that’s when it happened ….. She started screaming in that same voice. I ran inside and found the kitchen full of dark black smoke. Scanning the room with eagle eye precision I noticed the source – the microwave. Black puffs billowed from the heatmaker.

With the black cloud growing, smoke filled the dining room and den. With the smoke alarm blaring, Shirley screaming and smoke covering the kitchen I sprang into action. I reached into a drawer and grabbed an oven mitt. Reaching into the microwave I felt a pile of soot – hard, dry soot that used to be popcorn. The noise was deafening – smoke alarm, screaming wife and now Delaney skipping around the island waving her arms shouting “Stop, Drop and Roll, Stop, Drop and Roll.” Apparently, she had just had a fireman come visit her kindergarten class. She knew exactly what to do. I have to admit at this point it did become comical.

Ashlyn came running into the kitchen because she thought we were having a party without her. Standing at the kitchen door with her usual I’ve-been-up-to-something-you-don’t-know-about smile, Delaney looked at her and said, “Ash, stop, drop and roll.” She grabbed Ashlyn and made her lay on the floor. We lost it when she started rolling Ashlyn toward the front door saying, “Stop, drop and roll. I’m saving your life, I’m saving your life,” over and over.

Needless to say, if you ever cook popcorn in the microwave make sure you select 2:30, not 230:00. Apparently, pushing too many zeros is not a good thing.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Too often we attribute our success to hard work, intelligence or good fortune. But how do we respond when things don't go well? If you’re like me, you blame bad luck or others for your failures. Human nature takes the credit and shifts the blame. We are usually good at patting ourselves on the back when things are going great. We are equally guilty of pointing fingers at others when things are out of control.

Five times in the Book of Deuteronomy we read the phrase, Remember that you were slaves in Egypt - 5:15, 15:15, 16:12, 24:18 and 24:22. God wanted His people to remember their past. Not to dwell on it but to learn from it. The reason for looking back and remembering is to maintain perspective in the present. When we forget where we came from we begin to think we have earned our positions or possessions and that we deserve God’s blessing. By remembering we were Slaves in Egypt, we will be able to engage life with gratitude and humility. Remember the cost Jesus paid to ransom us from spiritual slavery. We were spiritual slaves bought with a great price. Remember your freedom and the price that was paid to gain liberty. Freedom and liberty do not come from the government or any other man made entity. It is not our hard work, intelligence or good luck that sets us free. God's grace liberates us to serve Him with thankful hearts because we are now sons and daughters, heirs to His Kingdom, no longer Slaves in Egypt.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Breaking the Law

I was about twenty years old and had gone out of town one weekend. I was driving home – south on I-65 just north of Mobile. I’d just come off the Dolly Pardon bridge and passed a State Trooper. As I had done many times before, I flashed my headlights at oncoming traffic to warn them a Trooper was ahead. This is bad. Don’t ever flash your headlights to warn someone. Apparently, a great song was playing on the radio because I found myself flashing the lights to the beat of the music. That’s when it happened. I had driven about a mile and a half when I saw him. He walked from the right shoulder of the interstate into the left lane, stopped and raised his arm my direction. I slammed on brakes, skidding and sliding. When he raised his arm, I thought he was pointing a gun. The Trooper motioned me to pull over. Of course, I did. My heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. I almost ran over a cop! The nearly 7-foot, 300 pound Trooper knocked on my window. He asked for my license and stepped to the back of my truck. Actually, my dad’s truck. He walked back to his vehicle and stayed and stayed and stayed. It seemed like an hour before he returned.

All he said was, “Mr. Grizzle, will you please step out of your vehicle and into mine?”

HOLY CRAP! I was in the back seat of a Trooper’s car. Not a good way to start your day! His partner was talking on the radio and filling out some forms.

The officer said, “Did you know you are driving a vehicle with defaulty equipment?”

My response, “Huh?”

“Your vehicle has defaulty equipment.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Your headlights are malfunctioning. I saw them flashing on and off. That’s very dangerous, you know.”

“There’s nothing wrong with them, officer. I was …. “

“You need to have the electrical system checked.”

I finally figured it out. Apparently, you can get a ticket for driving a vehicle that is unsafe. I also found out I was speeding and driving a truck with an expired tag. Three big strikes. Remember, it was my dad’s truck. Wonder who forgot to get the tag renewed? Oh yeah, one more thing. I had left my wallet at home that weekend so guess who didn’t have a driver’s license? I knew I was in trouble when the officer said, “You have no identification, you’re speeding, and driving an unsafe vehicle with defaulty equipment and an expired tag.”

This is why some people smoke crack! My response to his next question was shocking. He said, “Are you going to slow down and stop speeding?”

I shrugged, “probably not.”


“Officer, the reality is that as soon as I leave I’ll go right back to driving 80. The law can’t change my actions.”

“You’re telling me you’re going to keep speeding?”

“The law can’t change me. Only I can change my actions and the truth is that I’ll probably keep speeding.”

Looking at his partner, the other officer said, “I don’t think he’s talking about speeding any more.”

Jesus came to save us from the law. The law was incomplete because a perfect sacrifice was needed. Jesus fulfilled the law providing freedom from the bondage to sin. Even God’s law can’t change our hearts or actions. It is by His Spirit we are called into a covenant relationship with Him through the renewing work of His death and resurrection.

Wow! The law can’t change us. Only He can!

By the way, I didn’t get a ticket. And just so you know, while traveling all over the United States I have had the privilege of meeting many our finest men and women in uniform. It seems as though they love to introduce themselves to me on the side of the roads. And you shouldn’t flash your headlights to warn others because you might be warning someone who is drunk. At least that’s what the Trooper told me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The F-Word

The past few days I’ve asked a few questions in my Facebook status updates. They were related to fear and were in the form of questions. Here they are again:

1. What are your fears?
2. What do your fears keep you from accomplishing?
3. Do your fears motivate you?
4. Are fears irrational?

I’d like to explore this topic a little further. There are many types of fear. Some are healthy and some are not. Fear of walking out in traffic and getting hit by a car. That’s a form of a healthy fear. Some fears are irrational. I’d like to tell you about one of my most irrational fears. I have a fear of public restrooms. You know, the ones in the mall or shopping centers. I have always been afraid of being robbed or mugged in one. I know it’s weird. But I’m afraid someone will come up behind me while I’m standing at the urinal. I always picture this big, scary looking guy pushing me into the wall, and stealing my wallet while I’m trying to pee. Even at church, I look over my shoulder to make sure some wacked-out, demonic deacon isn’t lurking in the shadows waiting for an opportune time. It seems like there’s always a child-molester looking guy in the bathroom every time I walk in! If it’s a test – I fail every time. Sometimes I think about facing the other way so someone can’t sneak up on me. This would be a good time for a visual image. Can you see me with my back to the urinal?

I’m more concerned with the unhealthy fears that keep us from fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. As Christians, we know God is not the author of crippling fear. So where does this type of fear come from?

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind
2 Timothy 1:7

It comes from Satan – our enemy. Remember, we are in a spiritual war against the forces of darkness. Our enemy uses unhealthy fear against us. In fact, I believe FEAR is one of his most often used tactics. Satan wants us defeated, and stagnant because of fear. He uses our minds against us causing worry, doubt and fear to keep us from serving God effectively.

Too many times we give into a spirit of fearI have come to believe that the word fear is one of the three real F-Words. We need to shout these F-Words over and over. I think it works like this: Forgiveness, another F-Word, leads to Freedom, another F-Word. Freedom in Christ comes through true repentance by His work on the cross. When Christ sacrificed Himself, He gave us Freedom through Forgiveness. We are not bound by fear any longer because His finished work on the cross allowed freedom to take away all fear through forgiveness.

So really, fear has been defeated. But still so many Christians live defeated and crippled spiritually because of fear. Fear grows out of doubt which grows out of worry. I think that’s why the Apostle Paul mentioned we should be anxious for nothing. Christ Himself said do not worry

The spirit of fear mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7 is not healthy. This fear blocks what God has given us: His power, love and sound mind. This fear grips us with doubts and insecurities, waging war with our thoughts and feelings. Fear is one of the greatest weapons Satan uses against us. He attacks our minds. He tells us that we are no good, unworthy, unloved and useless.

How can we fight against these thoughts? By believing the truth of the second part of the verse. God has given us power, love and a sound mind through His Spirit.

Are you dealing with fears today that are gripping you so tightly that you feel helpless and hopeless? How can these fears be conquered? Start by praying for the Lord to open your mind and help you understand how to use the power given by His Holy Spirit.

Perfect love casts out fear -1 John 4:18. The real dynamic duo – Power and Love! Together like Oreo’s and milk.

I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fearsPsalm 34:4-7

The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to meHebrews 13:6

The opposite of fear is freedom. We have ultimate freedom through the power of Jesus Christ. His freedom comes through true repentance.

Forgiveness leads to Freedom, casting out all fear through His perfect love. Forgiveness comes through true repentance leading us to admit we have sinned. Repentance requires true brokenness. Repentance is NOT asking the Lord for forgiveness with the intent to sin again. Repentance is an honest, regretful acknowledgement of sin with commitment to change.

Besides public restrooms, my biggest fear is that I will somehow miss God’s calling and not fulfill His will for my life.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jesus Passed By

The simple, seemingly not so important phrases of the Bible have always fascinated me. Most preachers focus on the more obvious themes, beliefs and concepts taught in Scripture. This is not a bad thing; we need to focus on the obvious. I’m interested in the obscure, minor, and downright weird sentences in the Bible. I’m going to mention two I found particularly strange … until God showed me what they actually mean.

The first is found in Hebrews 11:21 - One verse that has a weird ending.
By faith Jacob as he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshipped leaning on the top of his staff.

The last part of that verse says “leaning on the top of his staff.” I always wondered why it was important to tell readers an old man needed a staff. Isn’t that obvious? Lots of old people need assistance to get around, right? How many people do we see walking with a crutch? I’ve discovered when all else fails, as God what He meant. He might just tell you.

In order to understand the significance of leaning on the top of his staff at the end of Jacob’s life, we have to take a look at the middle of his life. I’m sure you remember the Old Testament story of when Jacob wrestled the angel one night. He was running from his brother, had a dream and got into a fight – with an angel. The angel touched his hip – probably dislocating it. So what, right? I’m sure if I fought an angel I’d come out with more than a dislocated hip!

The spiritual application is really quite simple. Once touched by God we will not walk the same. When God changes, transforms and renews, we are not able to walk the way we did before. In Joseph’s case that was physical and spiritual. Even at the end of his life, he still walked differently. He limped, needed a staff and walked different. Meeting God = walking differently.

The second phrase that has been puzzling and strange is found in Mark 6:48:
And seeing them straining at the oars, for the wind was against them, at about the fourth watch of the night, He came to them walking on the sea; and He intended to pass by them.

I’ve always wondered why Jesus was intending to pass by His disciples when they were in obvious need of saving. They were fighting a fierce storm, straining to row against the wind – fighting for their lives. And here’s Jesus on a midnight stroll on top of the water. Just having a good time, jamming to the tunes in His head. You know, the ones we listen to on our ipods. They were in a crisis. In fact, it was His fault! I’m not kidding, read the text. He sent them into the boat and told them to row across the Sea of Galilee. He sent his closest friends into a life threatening storm. And then He has the audacity and arrogance to pass by them seeming not to want to help.

Obviously, I know that wasn’t what God wanted to teach through the phrase intended to pass by them. So I’ve wondered why it was important to tell us that. Then I looked it up. There’s a good lesson. If you want to know what something means go study it. He wasn’t trying to beat them to the other side. He wasn’t trying to impress them with another miracle. He wasn’t even trying to teach them He was in control.

This phrase is known as a THEOPHANY. I’ll try to explain. Remember, I am not a Greek scholar. The Greek verb to pass by used in this text, is a translation of theophanys; which is a defining moment when God reveals Himself on Earth. Here are some other Theophany’s: God hid Moses in a crack on the mountain rocks so He could pass by revealing a glimpse of His glory. God told Elijah to stand on the mountain because He was about to pass by.

Back to the disciples in the boat, in the storm Jesus sent them into, God Himself intentionally passed by. Wow, I hope you catch the significance of the meaning. I used to think this text simply meant Jesus wanted His disciples to ask for help. Not any more. He knew they needed help. And at the moment they needed Him most, He showed up with a glimpse of His glory, revealing His power over the storm.

I’m sure now you understand the spiritual application. God understands the storm you are facing. In fact, He may have sent you into the storm. In the middle of the worst storm life is throwing at you, God will show up intending to pass by, revealing a glimpse of His glory.

Since we now know the storms of life are beating us back and forth, up and down and all around. I pray we all see God’s glory revealed as He passes by. Bring the wind, water, waves, storms and troubles of life because in them we see God’s glory and that’s what it’s all about. As I wrote that sentence, I started singing the Hokey Pokey.

May the God of Heaven intend to pass by us today.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

God is an Amateur

God is an amateur! That may sound contradictory with what you may think of God but I’m sure He is an amateur. Amateur comes from a Latin word amator, meaning to love. It was also adapted from the French word amare - simply meaning for the love of something. I’m sure you get it now. God is an amateur because He provided a way for us to reach Him because he loves us. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sin just for the love of something. He’s an amateur. God loves you just like you are but He loves you too much to leave you that way. I’m reminded of the Gospel song I’m a Nobody by the Williams Brothers. I think it came out in the early 80’s.

I’m just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody.
– Just for the love of it.


Obama has to be ignorant. He's considering a ban on recreational fishing in some areas! How stupid? Canada did something similar with bear hunting and it has crippled their tourism industry. Yea, it's a good idea to continue following Canada with their great healthcare system and all. St. Patrick's Day is coming up next week. I can't wait to wear green and look for Leprechaun's. I've started reading Dear John by Nicholas Sparks but can't seem to get into it. That reminds me that James Patterson's next Maximum Ride adventure, Fang, comes out next week. Now that's a series I'm into. Here's another thought ..... Do you think Christians avoid their responsibility to share their faith because they rationalize by saying they are gifted in other areas? Or that sometimes it's enough just to be nice to others. The command to witness is to all Christians not just those who seem to be more naturally comfortable sharing their faith with others. If you're not comfortable witnessing, maybe it's because your just a casual Christian giving lip service to the God who sacrificed everything to save you. Have you ever gone fishing? I've been fishing since I was probably about 2 years old. There's really nothing better than landing a good size Cobia, King Mackeral or Amberjack. You should try it before it's illegal. Gotta love this land of the free. If you're really bored log onto, register and search for me by name. You'll find two stories I've written. They're not that good but may be a good timewaster. Leave your feedback.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shattered Veil - Chapter One

The following is chapter one of my new story. Whadaya think? It hasn't been edited so I'm sure the grammar is atrocious.

Holding one of my father’s old journals brought to life a painful memory long buried in my mind. The soft, black leather journal, filled with fantasy and magical stories from my father’s youth felt awkward and unfamiliar. My mind, flooding with memories, felt heavy and tired as I eagerly read page after page. His hopes, dreams and prayers for me scribbled in handwriting I had not seen in years. Sliding my right hand over the black India ink made me feel as if he were still alive; still teaching me the craft.

I am a third generation illusionist, magician and stage performer. My father, Charles Black, mesmerized audiences for over thirty years, winning every award known to magicians. He was named Magician of the Year twice and Las Vegas Performer of the Year three times. Known for cutting edge imagery, classic illusions and straight up magic, he dominated the craft – our craft.

Following in his footsteps, I learned from the best; watching his every move. Training and studying with the world’s best illusionists and magicians paid off. I have the top rated stage show in the world and a hit television show. Selling out the theatre night after night for three years confirms the critics are right – my father passed the torch to me and I’m on top of the world.

Not really, my father died three days ago. He was 87 and had been living in a nursing home the past two years. Alzheimer’s took his memory and ability to communicate. He had not known me for over a year. I visited twice weekly. He thought I was an entertainer the home brought in to perform magic tricks for the residents. Painfully, I watched his strong hands wither into frail, bony appendages once called fingers.

Turning another page in his journal, my heart sank. He had written about a conversation I wanted to forget. The entry dated – August 1, 1985. The day we argued. The day I told him I didn’t believe in spirits, demons, angels or any other magical creature God supposedly created. I can still see his eyes, filled with tears and hurt. Reading his entry broke my heart again.

Although, we moved on from that conversation and our relationship was strong and vibrant, he longed for me to believe what he believed. Ghosts and goblins are at the bottom of my list. To me, magic is illusion, slight of hand, not real. To dad, It was real. He believed in what he called the spiritual world. I believe in the physical world.

Most of his possessions had been stored in my house since he moved into the nursing home. Except for his clothes, family photos, important personal possessions and one black trunk. It was in the truck, I found his journals. With shaking hands and tearful eyes, I read over his life. He was even more amazing than I ever imagined.

The house had been empty about four hours. Hundreds of people stopped by after the funeral all asking me if I was okay. If I hear that question again, I’ll scream. The silence of my empty home was louder than ever. Alone with my memories and regrets, I walked into the kitchen. Still carrying his journal, I marveled at the food. It looked as if someone catered a party for three hundred people. Two roasted turkeys sat next to three baked hams. There were more casseroles than I had ever seen before – at least thirty. Casseroles aren’t my thing. I wonder what leftover scraps people mix together and bake, calling it a casserole.

My dad loved Thanksgiving. That’s probably why there was turkey, ham, dressing, sweet potatoes, corn, beans and enough bread for an army. Sitting at my kitchen table, I read my dad’s account of my first Thanksgiving. I was only three months old. Reading about my mother’s happiness only made me miss her more. She died when I was fifteen. My dad said that’s when I stopped believing in magic.

Roberta Sanchez, my housekeeper, said she would come early tomorrow morning to clean the kitchen. I told her not to worry that I could clean. She insisted I wouldn’t do it right so she was coming about six. I’m tired I thought. Not sleeping for seventy-two hours will do that to you.

My feet felt as if they weighed one hundred pounds as I consciously had to make myself pick them up one by one to walk up the stairs to my bedroom. Resting at my bedroom door, I glanced at his journal again. Clutching it tightly in my hand felt as if I clutched him; like he was still alive. Knowing I needed to sleep, I continued reading. My first birthday, the first card trick he taught me, and the first illusion I performed on my own.

Blinking longer and longer, my gaze grew blurry as I nodded to sleep. Occasionally, I opened, focused and tried to continue. It was like reading a great novel, except it was his life; my life. A life I had somehow forgotten.

Sleep won and I finally crashed; falling into deep sleep. The dream came quickly just like before. The dream is what kept me awake the past three days. It was so real and scary the last time I slept, I never wanted to sleep again. He’s coming. I hear the hoof beats in the distance. The rhythmic tribal clumping repeated over and over gaining volume as the rider approached. He’s coming, the voice said again. “No,” I shouted out loud in my sleep.

The hoof clumping stopped as I looked into the deep blue eyes of the rider. His eyes were as clear as crystal and deep as the ocean. The most perfect shade of clear blue I had ever seen. His presence shook the ground. Reaching his hand toward mine, he said, “Let’s go, Daniel.” No one but my parents called me Daniel. In school, I was known as Danny. And my stage name was Black. No first name, just Black. It was because my performances had become dark over time, more and more sinister. Darkness was always around.

The rider, he was light. He seemed to glow. This time, I took his hand when he reached my direction. Lifting me onto the back of his saddle, I realized his power and strength. Without another word, he popped the reins, kicked his feet into the sides of the massive horse and like lightning we were racing. Racing into nothing with, clouds all around. Looking down, I realized we weren’t on the ground. We were flying. There was no sound either. The tribal beating of the hoofs had been replaced with the sound of nothing – just wind blowing in our faces. Yet, I couldn’t hear a sound.

Just then, we left the clouds behind. We were definitely flying, as I noticed the world below. “Space, we’re in space,” I shouted. He said nothing. I could hear myself screaming in my head but still no sound could be heard. Seemingly suspended between Heaven and Earth, I caught myself marveling at the vast ocean and land mass. It wasn’t as bright as I had seen in satellite photos from NASA.

Quickly we descended. The beast was flying but didn’t have wings. The rider seemed to control the thoughts of the horse, guiding it to the ground. Hearing the familiar thundering hoof beats let me know we safely landed. Looking around, I realized this wasn’t Las Vegas.

“Where are we?”

Looking into his fiery eyes, I knew this was my stop. Climbing down, I asked again, “Who are you?”

“I will come back when it’s time.”

Marveling at his presence, I watched in amazement as he flew into the night. Looking up, I noticed more stars than I had ever seen. Their brilliance shown as if all the electricity from the earth had been given to the sky.

At this moment, the street was full of people talking. It was immediately busy, like they appeared from nowhere. Trying to blend in and figure out where I was became my first priority. Hoping I was safe, hoping I would wake from this nightmare soon.

Looking across the street, I noticed what appeared to be an old world market, like something you would see depicting ancient Egypt or Arabia. It was closed for the night. The huts covered in blankets along with the carts pushed close to the entrances gave it away.

I continued walking down the street looking for a place to hide or sleep or really a place to wake up. As I walked, I listened to the people speak a foreign language. It was like nothing I had heard. Yet, strangely, I found myself understanding what they were saying. Apparently, there was a new magician in town. How ironic I would dream about a magician I thought.

Following, two men closely, I listened. This magician grew up here and was back in town performing. I noticed what looked like a hotel. Walking across the street, I was nearly run over by a man riding in a chariot behind two horses. He was moving quickly but not as quick as my ride I thought as he roared past.

Finding myself at the counter checking into the hotel was like an out of body experience. I watched from behind as I checked into a room.

“Breakfast is at sunrise,” the dark-skinned man said.

“Thank you.”

Not wanting to seem like a fool or terrorist, I didn’t ask the obvious questions like “Where am I? What year is this?” Things like that needed to be kept quiet. Handing me a lantern and a pouch made of animal skin, he smiled. Sensing my confusion, he motioned to use the liquid in the pouch to refill the lantern. It was oil. Using the lantern as my only source of light, I followed a servant to my room.

Bowing before he left, the young man backed toward the door, never letting my eyes catch his. It was as if he knew he was inferior. Lighting a lamp on a small wooden bedside stand, I lay on my back. Looking at the thatch ceiling, I desperately wanted to sleep or wake up, whichever took me home.