Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The main uses of doors

1. Keep people out
2. Let people in

These are four uses I’ve thought of for doors. I’m confident you have thought of doors in these four ways, as well. I don’t think there’s anything earth shattering here. There may be another use of a door not mentioned. So if your favorite door use is not in the list, my apologies. I do not mean to slight any of the other valuable uses for doors.

Let’s look at these individually.

1. To Keep People Out:

Why would you want to keep people out? Probably a number of reasons. Protection or to hide something. Maybe we just don’t like someone so we don’t open the door when they knock. Maybe the dark-tie, white shirt, bicycle brigade is working your neighborhood? Whatever the reason, doors are designed to keep people out so we don’t have to deal with them or because we want to hide our dirty laundry or bedroom.

2. To Let People In:
This is a much better use of a door. We allow others into our lives for a variety of reasons – some good, some not so good. So we let friends, family and girl scouts selling cookies inside our doors.

Whether we are keeping people out or letting people in, doors serve as passageways. Maybe that’s why Jesus said He was standing at the door knocking. Obviously, by now you realize I am speaking metaphorically. This isn’t so much about a real door as it is a spiritual door. I believe in angels, demons, the Holy Spirit, Satan, Jesus, and all the other spiritual beings mentioned in the Bible. Use the door to your heart to keep the bad guys out and let the good guys in. It’s a simple concept but a difficult way to live.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A few random thoughts and quotes to help you over the midweek hump.

1. Christianity offers more than the advice of self help books ….. the true power of God.

2. To be right with God has often meant being in trouble with men. A. W. Tozer

3. Accepting God’s gift of salvation is a reaction not an action. It is our response to His call.

4. Flying, talking dogs are known for having great judgment and decision making skills.

5. We are not diplomats, but prophets and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum.
A. W. Tozer

6. The Devil is a better theologian than any of us. A. W. Tozer

7. Being a stunt man would be a cool job.

8. It's the eye of the tiger that matters.

Have a great week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Christmas Bible

The Christmas season was dark and cold, but not because of the weather. Their parents were facing a crisis – separation and maybe divorce. They prayed, hoped, cried and prayed more. Christmas was marred by parental separation and the two girls tried to make the most of what seemed hopeless. As any child of divorced parents can attest, Christmas in two places stinks. Through difficult circumstances, they young ladies continued praying that God would supernaturally intervene on their behalf; putting their family back together.

Putting their heads together as only sisters can, they devised a plan. A Christmas present they thought would help – a Bible. They gathered their money and bought their father a simple, burgundy leather NIV translation. They didn’t care he already had three or four Bibles. This one was from them.

Needless to say, the gift wasn’t met with much excitement. After all, it was their father that moved out weeks earlier. He wasn’t really in the mood to read the Bible. It sat on a table for a couple weeks, then in the car, then in his hotel room. Apparently, God kept moving it from place to place. Occasionally, he would read a few verses trying to make sense of a senseless situation. Mostly, he put it down.

A couple months passed with the typical every other weekend visitation, awkward pick-up and drop-off and occasional glances passing between husband and wife. The girls continued praying. Adults gave up, telling the parents the marriage was over and they needed to move on. You know, the typical, well-meaning Christian advice that’s just not Biblical. Hey, do you remember that Jesus said we should have the faith of a child? I think He meant that!

Time passed, hope waned, Christians didn’t think twice about another marriage ending in divorce. The girls’ mother prayed; continually telling them God had a miracle in store. The court date came and went and the divorce was final. In what seemed like a desperate attempt to salvage this marriage, God made His move. Many thought He would sit back allowing another Christian family to become victim to a satanic attack. Not this time.

God supernaturally made His presence known. It wasn’t late in the 4th quarter; the game was over (according to the world). Actually, this is when God manifests Himself with all glory and power. This is when you should start humming the theme to Rocky. I know you know it. Everyone thought God showed up late; actually He was right on time! He visited the man while driving north on Interstate 49 in Louisiana, somewhere close to Alexandria. His presence filled the car causing the man to intentionally try and keep the car on the road. It was a modern day blinding like the Apostle Paul experienced. God simply said, “What man has torn down, I will rebuild.”

It’s over, finished, move on – Not this time. This is when God gets to show why He’s God. With the father in one hand, the mother in the other, God began His work. The two girls prayed, the mother grew in her faith and the man finally read the burgundy Bible. God rebuilt what was torn down because of the faith of two girls, one 12 and the other 14. That whole faith-of-a-child-thing – that’s literal! A few months later, the girls watched their parents remarry – the final brick of the rebuild put in place.

Unfortunately, marriages end every day because adults don’t have the faith of a child. How do I know this story so well, you ask? Because I’m the guy who received the best Christmas present ever. I’m the guy who carries and studies that Bible. So if you’re in the middle of a crisis, get yourself a copy of the Bible, maybe a thin, leather burgundy NIV, and read it.

Romans 10:17 – So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Facebook, Twitter and the Coming Revolution

As social media sites expand, teenagers may be leaving. That’s right; teenagers are moving away from Facebook and Twitter for the next BIG thing – location-based, mobile games. With GPS enabled mobile phones and data packages, teenagers will gravitate toward mobile games like Foursquare. There are a couple others but Foursquare seems to be developing and pioneering this new technology-driven game. The concept is simple – combine the activity updating portion of FB and Twitter with GPS tracking so others will not only know what you’re doing but where you are. Within the next year, these sites will be huge with teens that have iphones, droids, blackberry’s, etc. Teens are moving onto something else. College-age students will catch onto location based games first and then younger students.

Why are teens going to leave Facebook and Twitter - Because the fastest growing demographic group joining Facebook is women 55 and older?

The implications for student ministry are tremendous. Wouldn’t you like to know where your students hangout? Suppose you pull into a fastfood restaurant to eat only to glance at yr phone and notice a few of your youth are eating down the street – join them. Keeping track of your youth via location based mobile games will not only be fun, it will also be a useful tool as you incorporate technology-driven ministry.

Student ministry must utilize technology to meet the needs of today’s youth. As teens move to the next BIG social media, student ministers need to be waiting; ready to minister. The days of ministering to students with just Wednesday nite thing, youth camp and DiscipleNow are long gone. It is rare I see youth minister’s posting podcasts of their message on church websites. What about online Bible-studies or interactive, video-based worship and prayer?

Technology-driven student ministry will become commonplace as students lead the coming revolution forcing churches to quickly move to the cutting-edge of ministry.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

All Things 80's

Reminded of an 80's TV show that's been turned into a movie - The A-Team. Regardless of what the critics say, I'll probably see it just because it's the A-Team! How can it get better? Ghostbusters III is in pre-production and should be released next year and I've read the original cast has signed on. My kids hate that the 80's are back. Shirley and I know all the songs they are just now learning. So, here's some random 80's trivia.

1. What musician sang Footloose, Danger Zone and I'm All Right?

2. What movie produced the phrase, "Negative, Ghostrider. The pattern is full."

3. Axel Foley was Eddie Murphy's character in what 80's movies?

Here's some things to discuss. Forget the Rubick's cube, does anyone remember the pyramid? What about St. Elmo's Fire, The Breakfast Club, and Atari? Other than Pong, what was the first video game you played in the 80's? How about Eddie Murphy playing Buckwheat on SNL; you know, back when the show was funny! Anyone remember the first ten minutes of Full Metal Jacket? I have an mp3 if anyone wants a copy.

It was like totally awesome! Big hair bands ruled the airways and a particular haircut, referred to as business in the front, party in the back, was popular. What was it called? Hint: It's also a fish. Now we have American Idol, then we had Star Search. How about Sinbad, Sheena Easton, Dungeons and Dragons or Run DMC?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Church Attendance, Bible Reading and Other Sins

Many times people participate in Christian activities like Bible reading, church attendance, prayer, giving, volunteering to help, etc. out of obligation, guilt or some other form of misguided legalism. Some attend church because they have always attended church. They think if they do all the right things they will be the right kind of Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In Matthew 13:44, we read a short parable. Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid; and from joy over it goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

What a great response to Christ. He is the treasure and we must give up everything to follow Him. The man in the parable responded to the treasure like we should – follow Christ with abandon. Unfortunately, many follow the Lord for reasons other than love. In Revelation 3:16, these are called lukewarm. Lukewarm Christians cause God to want to vomit. That’s what the word for spit actually means. The church is full of lukewarm (casual) Christians that serve God for the wrong reasons.

They attend church weekly out of obligation. They give as long as it doesn’t interfere with their standard of living. They are only interested in being saved from the penalty of sin rather than daily repentance of sins that separate them from God. Lukewarm Christians are motivated and inspired during sermons but take no action. They invite others to church but rarely actually share their faith. They love people but not as much as themselves.

FYI: There is no such thing as a lukewarm Christian. Do you really think God wants to spend eternity with those who make Him want to puke? Of course not. Lukewarm (casual) Christians do not exist. It’s all or nothing.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Crazy Love

Four Biblical truths to learn and apply:

1. Giving out of any motivation other than love is meaningless.

2. We are too comfortable when we separate ourselves from people who are different.

3. Loving a friend is human, loving an enemy is Godly.

4. Something is wrong if my life makes sense to unbelievers.

If you’re not sure what these statements mean or how to apply them, read Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I have a long way to go!

Friday, February 5, 2010

...Just be the Messenger

Once upon a time there was a young man who went to seminary in New Orleans, LA. His excitement to study under many of the nation’s leading professors was overwhelming. Having the opportunity to learn from ministry experts was unbelievable. After a year of study, the young man took his first workshop. For those of you who don’t know, a workshop is an intense one or two week class lasting all day, everyday. Most of the time it’s an easy way to complete a class between terms.

This particular workshop was being led by a pastor who had just been or was about to be elected as President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Sorry, my memory fades with the early onset of sometimer’s. Either way, the pastor had led one of the Convention’s leading churches and is a household name. I’ll refrain from using his name in order to protect the guilty.

The first day of class, the young man was in awe. He was actually in a classroom alongside men who are now pastors, evangelists and seminary professors; being taught by the President of the Convention – WOW! Class started with the usual introductions except this time, the newly-elected President of the Seminary introduced the workshop leader.

Within the first few minutes of the pastor’s lecture, the young man began hearing things that caused concern. The teacher made a peculiar comment. He said, “Who wants to have cocaine addicts as church members?” The young man ignored the comment thinking he had misunderstood. Later, another comment caused concern. “Why would you want to pastor a church with prostitutes attending?” Looking around, the young man noticed other students feverishly hanging on every word, taking notes and agreeing with the legendary pastor.

More and more comments like the others kept coming and coming. The young man became distraught, confused and actually a little angry. The workshop leader said, “The church is for Christians not drug dealers and murderers!” Sin after sin was named until the breaking point came with this comment. “Who wants to be around people like this? After all, how can we grow spiritually if we spend our time with rejects, losers, killers, prostitutes and all the other sinners?”

The young man had all he could take and stood up yelling, “You stupid old man! What are you saying? You complete idiot! JESUS wants to be around them! Don’t you know the God who created the universe loves everyone equally, without favor or prejudice?”

Needless to say, the room fell painfully silent as the president of the Southern Baptist Convention and workshop leader slowly walked toward the young man. With every eye staring at the two, he said, “Young man, who do you think you are? I have pastored for over 25 years, I am a leader in our convention, and I have led prayer services with the President of the United States. I believe I am more qualified than you to say what Jesus wants.”

The now angry, defiant young man stood his ground replying, “If that’s true, you serve a pathetic, joke of a God. My God reaches from the very throne of Heaven transforming the hearts of people you obviously despise.”

Following that statement, the young man left the classroom.

The next morning, the young man found himself sitting in the Seminary President’s office looking the two eye to eye. This is the end of my career he thought as the two theologians pondered his future.

“Young man, I have taught this class on every seminary campus our convention operates. I have never had anyone with as much arrogance and defiance dare to challenge me like you did yesterday.”

The young man swallowed deep waiting for the president to kick him out of school. Instead, the pastor reached out his arms, grabbed the man in a bear hug saying, “You have restored my faith in our next generation of church leaders. I have waited years for someone to stand up and say I was wrong.”

“So you don’t really believe that stuff?”

“How could I, the God who created the universe wants to have a personal relationship with every human soul. We cannot fathom His love.”

The Moral of the story: Don’t worry so much about how people act or what they say. Let God be the life transformer. We should be the messenger’s of grace, mercy and love.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Christians cannot be refreshing encourager's until we have been refreshed by Christ. Many times we ignore our relationship with Christ by trying to minister to others in our own strength. It is easier to help others deal with their problems than to look within our own hearts. After all, looking within may reveal issues we may not want to explore? As we study and apply the lesson of becoming refreshed by the Holy Spirit, we need to grasp the depth of Titus 3:3-7:

For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. NASB

These verses remind us where we were before Christ transformed our sinful nature. And we are reminded that renewal is the work of God’s Spirit, whom He poured out through Jesus. If we want to be a refreshing source from which the River of Life can flow, we must first allow Him to refresh us daily. We cannot allow holy distractions to prevent us from continually responding to God’s refreshing call to repentance.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Crawl

Isaiah 40:28-31

These are familiar verses to many. They are often quoted as encouragement and inspiration.

28. Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the Everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.

29. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

30. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall.

31. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.

There are some obvious observations regarding this passage. There are three items to mention. As Christians, we can fly, run or walk. You may have listened to sermons using those three as the main points. Have you noticed preachers like to use three points in their messages? Since I’m not a preacher, I like using three just to aggravate them but that’s a different blog!

If you think about your spiritual life you probably remember times when you have soared on spiritual eagle’s wings. You may also remember times when you have run and even walked on your spiritual journey. What’s the difference between flying, running and walking?

These verses do not imply one is better than the other. Those who HOPE in the Lord WILL renew their strength. They will soar, run and walk. The Christian life is a marathon not a sprint. We will all soar, run and walk at times.

The real question isn’t about which of these three is better. It’s more about how we should help Christians whose walk has become a crawl. Many times we see believers struggle with issues, doubt, fear, anxiety, sin, depression, etc. and the list goes on and on. How should we help them while they’re crawling spiritually? Let’s face it; it’s easy to stand along side fellow Christians when they are soaring, running or walking. It’s difficult to get on our knees and crawl with someone. That requires effort and you might even get dirty.

Make it your prayer this week to look for someone crawling. Who knows, before long they may be walking? Eventually, you may have the privilege of seeing them soar spiritually with eagles. It all starts with HOPE in the Lord and hope comes from obedience.