Thursday, September 24, 2009

Red Rover, Red Rover Send .....

Thursday already? Where has the week gone? For some reason I was thinking about the church I attended as a child, FB Chickasaw. I remember many Sunday nights closing the service with the pastor asking everyone to hold hands and sing a song about unity. Some of you may remember the song. I remember getting in trouble once because as we were about to sing I felt a sudden urge, something strong and defiant rising up in my spirit. Those of you who know me well know when this happens it's never good! With the soft church organ playing in the background, I shouted "Red rover, red rover, send the preacher right over!" Now that caused a butt whipping I'll never forget. Not sure why I'm writing about this but it seemed appropriate. I also remember the two most important things I was taught as a child: 1. Always wash your hands after using the bathroom (with soap) and 2. Brush your teeth twice daily.

Here's something else to think about. Remember when God was chatting with Moses through the flaming azalea bush? He told Moses to throw his staff on the ground. It was changed into a snake. Sounds kinda Criss Angel but this one wasn't an illusion. What happened next? Moses picked it up and it became a staff again. Did you know that almost every time after this event Moses' staff was called the staff of God? Look it up! I'm not kidding. WOW! That's significant. Our spiritual application is this: God asks us to put down whatever we are holding (our staff). Once we are willing to let Him have control He is able to change us. Then He gives it back to us and it belongs to Him. I hope this doesn't sound too confusing but God takes what we give Him, molds it into something useful, gives it back and with it we are able to perform great miracles. That's what God told Moses. "Use this staff to perform great signs and miracles."

If you're holding onto anything maybe you should give it to God and allow Him to do the changing. That reminds me of something Jesus said to the people standing around watching while He raised Lazarus. Maybe I'll write about that next time. Don't forget to wash your hands and maybe play Red Rover this afternoon.

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