Sunday, September 20, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere

This may get lengthy but hang on until the end and you will be blessed. Trust me, I'm not a doctor and I don't play on on TV but if you hang on for the ride, God will show you something kool! Remember the epic poem, Rime of the Ancient Mariner? The famous phrase "Water, water everywhere without a drop to drink." Over 70% of the world is covered with water. It is the basic element necessary to sustain life. No wonder Jesus said He was the water of life. Classic literature is filled with metaphors about characters who transform after they struggle with water. Think about it - Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, The Old Man and the Sea, A River Runs Through It. Even Deliverance! I just had to throw that one in. Famous stories revolving in or around the transforming power of water. That's why water baptism is used as a symbol of new life! Hang on, we're getting to the good stuff. What's the most famous water story of all time? It has to be the world wide great flood, right? Noah's Ark as we were taught as children. The real story behind the flood is that God made a way for man to be saved. Catch this, no pun intended, The Bible starts and ends with references to water. Genesis 1:2 And the Spirit moved over the face of the waters.In Rev. 22, the final chapter is full of references to the river of life. Are you wondering why the Book starts and ends with water? Yea, me too. Read Psalm 84 and you might get an answer. Verse 6 says that as they traveled through the Valley of Baca (Tears), they made it a place of springs or wells. The rain fell from above and they made it from strength to strength. Go get your Bible and read it! Now, go read it now! Here's the story and application: This Psalm was written by David while hiding from Absolam. He watched travelers make their way to Jerusalem while walking through the dry valley of Baca. There was no water except the wells dug by other travelers. They survived by making it from well to well. Here's the spiritual application for us today. No matter what difficulty you are facing today, someone else has already been there. Hopefully, they dug a well for you to gain strength to make it a little further on your journey. That's what Christians do for each other! We help each other make it from strength to strength or well to well. If you're stuck in a dry valley today, DIG A WELL. God will provide the rain to fill up the springs. Isn't it kool to know the refreshing water comes from above? The well you dig will help you today and someone else tomorrow. So what are we to do? Simple, grab a shovel and start digging. We are all on a journey similar to that of the two snails that made it to the ark! Think about it. What a picture of perseverance for the Christian life. Two snails actually made it to the ark. What a adventure that must have been for those two determined creatures? Plant yourself in a well, gain strength, move to another well and persevere on the journey like those two little snails. Why does God use water as a powerful metaphor for life? Because he likes to fish, duh!

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